The most expensive and powerful stealth bomber in the world - Janatna

The most expensive and powerful stealth bomber in the world

 Whoever owns the air owns the land, as they say, and that is why the United States of America is classified as the strongest military force in the world because it is at the forefront of the ranking of the strongest air forces in the world. It is the country that possesses the most military aircraft and fighters, including the bomber, which is the most powerful and expensive in the world.

B2 stealth bomber:

The American B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is the spearhead of the US Air Force.

The B-2 stealth bomber was designed as a nuclear missile launcher during the Cold War. It is considered the most expensive type of aircraft ever, as the cost of each aircraft reached approximately one billion dollars. Therefore, the American government was satisfied with twenty-one aircraft out of the 135 aircraft that were scheduled to be manufactured.

The stealth bomber is the most powerful and expensive military aircraft

The speed of the most expensive and powerful American bomber, and perhaps the most powerful in the world ever, the B-2 bomber, reaches approximately 973 km/h.

The width of the plane is 52 meters, its length is 21 meters, and its height is 5 meters, while the maximum height of this bomber when flying is 15,200 metres. The bomber was designed to penetrate the opponent’s air defenses and carry out attacks on various targets anywhere around the world, because its range reaches up to 9 thousand and 600 kilometers without refueling.

The B-2 Spirit has 4 engines weighing 13,600 kilograms, each of which gives an estimated thrust of 78.47 kilonewtons.

This plane was designed to remain in service until the year 2040. Many programs were launched to modernize and develop it, of which 21 planes were produced. The United States of America refuses to sell it and considers it the face of the American Air Force. The specifications of this aircraft and the machinery it contains are confidential.

The American bomber has stealth technology, and the engineers had to make the air inlet to the engines in an S shape to maintain the stealth property of the plane. It also contains a positive radar, and it also contains a system that recognizes radar or detects the presence of radar, and the launcher also carries an electronic warfare or jamming system called ZSR-63.

The most expensive American stealth bomber in the world

The American website says that the aircraft was designed with specifications that allow it to reduce its radar signature on various detection methods that use infrared, electromagnetic, or radio waves.

The B2 Spirit bomber was first unveiled in 1989 and was developed by North Rope Grumman, and is still in service more than 3 decades after its appearance.

The B2 brings together a number of advantages for military bombers, the most notable of which is that it is a heavy, long-range stealth bomber that can carry conventional and nuclear bombs.

The plane made a flight from the United States of America to Kosovo that lasted more than 31 hours, round trip, without stopping during NATO operations in the former Yugoslavia.

During the Afghanistan war, it made a flight that lasted 44 hours, after which it stopped for 45 minutes without stopping its engines, and then continued flying for about 30 hours, breaking a world record for a flight that lasted 70 hours.

The plane's range can reach 16,000 kilometers if it is refueled in the air once, while its range without refueling reaches 9,600 kilometers.

The American bomber's load of various types of weapons reaches 20 tons, and it can fly at an altitude of 50,000 feet (more than 15,000 metres), and its speed approaches the speed of sound.

The aircraft crew consists of two individuals, on two adjacent seats, and the number of crew can be increased to 3 individuals for specific missions.

The plane carried out military operations in many countries, most notably Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Serbia.

While the B-2 Spirit bomber was involved in an accident on September 14 during an emergency landing at Whiteman Air Force Base in the American state of Missouri, the US Air Force announced this, in a press release, indicating that the airspace in that area had been closed, while an investigation was opened to identify Causes of the accident.

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