In Surah Al-Baqarah, God Almighty informed us of the story of our master Moses with the Children of Israel and the story of the cow that Moses brought to the Children of Israel. So what is the story of this cow and what is its cause or wisdom behind it?!
It was said that a murder had occurred among the Children of Israel in the time of our Master Moses, peace be upon him, of a wealthy man, and the perpetrator or killer was not known, and
everyone began accusing each other until they decided to refer the matter to our Master Moses, peace be upon him, for trial and a decision on this case. So he asked our Master. Moses, his Lord, inspired him to do what was right, so his Lord inspired him to command them to slaughter a “cow.” They accused him of mocking them and taking them as a mockery.And when Moses said to his people, “Indeed, God commands you to slaughter a cow.” They said, “Do you take us as a jest?” He said, “I seek refuge in God.” Am I more ignorant? (67) Al-Baqarah [67-67]
The story of Surah Al-Baqarah |
Moses sought refuge in God that he had ridiculed them and told them that the crime would be revealed by slaughtering this cow. The children of Israel and evasive with our master Moses about this cow, so they would say to him: Is it an ordinary cow from this type of animal, or is it another unique creation of its kind? So Moses asks his Lord to show him what it is
They said, “Call upon your Lord to explain to us what it is.” He said, “Indeed, He says, ‘It is a heifer, neither well-bred nor a mature virgin.’ He explained that.” So he did. What you are commanded (68) Al-Baqarah [68-68]
So God Almighty explained to our master Moses, peace be upon him, the specifications of this cow that it is neither an old nor a young cow, but rather a cow averaged between old and young, but the Children of Israel did not end this matter, but rather continued to evade and question about the details and more characteristics of this cow, so they said to him, “Ask your Lord for us about the color.” This cow, he tells them, is a yellow cow, bright in color, pleasing to whoever looks at it. They also returned asking if he would show them more details about this cow, as the cows were similar to them. So Moses returned and asked his Lord and told his people that it was a cow that was not prepared for plowing or watering, free from defects, yellow, with no pure mark on it. Yellowness
They said, “Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what her color is.” He said, “He says, ‘It is a pure heifer, with a bright color. Her color is pleasing to the beholders.’” (69) Q. O, pray for us your Lord to make clear to us what it is. Indeed, the cows imitate us, and indeed, if Allah wills, we will be guided. (70) He said, “He says that they are A source of no humiliation that stirs the earth And do not irrigate the field, intact and without blemish. They said, “Indeed, you have brought the truth.” So they slaughtered it, but they were hardly able to do so. (71) Al-Baqarah [69-71] ]
After searching for this cow with all these specifications, they actually found it with an orphan and they bought it from him and then slaughtered it. Then our master Moses, peace be upon him, grabbed a part of this cow after slaughtering it (it was said that it was the tongue) and hit the dead body with it. He returned to life, so Moses asked him about the one who killed him, so he informed him of it. Then he returned to death.
So We said, “Strike it with some of it.” Thus does Allah revive the dead and show you His signs that you may understand? (73) Al-Baqarah [73-73]
Here the children of Israel witnessed the miracle of reviving the dead in front of them, and they listened with their ears to the name of the killer, and the mystery of the issue that had confused them was revealed. But despite this incident and this miracle, the hearts of the children of Israel hard.
Then your hearts hardened after that, so they are like stones, or even more hard. And indeed, among the stones, there is And there are some of them that split and water comes out from them, and there are some of them that sink out of fear of God, and God is not unforgiving. For what you do (74) Al-Baqarah [74-74]
Great truth of God
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