The importance of carrots for infants and children in building their health
Hello to all my dear, loyal visitors to My Baby’s World, when you start introducing food to your baby, carrots are one of the best solid foods that you may start with in your baby’s meals. Because it contains many health benefits for the infant and its delicious taste and refreshing color. Carrots contain a large group of vitamins and minerals that have a significant impact on your child’s health.

Here are some of these benefits:
1. Carrots contain beta-carotene:
Which is transformed in the body into vitamin A, which in turn contributes to the growth of the retina and cornea in infants, which improves vision and protects them from night blindness.
2. Strengthens immunity:
The beta-carotene that carrots contain in large quantities, as well as the rest of the vitamins and minerals, raise your baby’s immunity.
3. Carrots help improve digestion and bowel movement:
Carrots are easy to digest and do not cause problems for infants. They also contribute to the secretion of digestive enzymes, which improves the digestion of other foods. They also help treat acidity in infants.
4. Natural laxative:
Carrots contain a large amount of fiber. These fibers absorb water, which facilitates defecation in children with constipation.
5. Carrots contain a large amount of water:
6. Carrots are a source of vitamins and minerals:
You can introduce carrots to your child's meals through various recipes.
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