A child aged 1-2 years: games to develop his skills, and habits he must adopt - Janatna

A child aged 1-2 years: games to develop his skills, and habits he must adopt

 Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, the second year of a child’s life is very important because it is characterized by the beginning of his true understanding and comprehension and the rapid development of his growth, and through it we can teach him and teach him many things and train him in many habits and behaviors that he must adopt and grow with him as he grows. . Let us move away from ready-made games a little and be innovative and invent games with our child in order to develop his skills and help him adopt good habits.

Games to develop the intelligence of children from one to two years old:

- In the kitchen, give your child overlapping plastic containers of different sizes so he can feel the sizes and understand the meaning of the contents. Fill them with food and encourage him to participate in that, and then empty them so that he understands the meaning of filling and emptying.

- A swimming pool that you make from a plastic container containing water, and put a duck, a sponge, and a boat. The scientist understands the meaning of buoyancy and swimming, learns and understands the introduction of new terms, and deepens his understanding and thinking.

- Put a small ball in your hand, be careful not to swallow it. Hide it in your right or left hand alternately. This strengthens concentration and enhances his concept of disappearing and appearing.

- Make hand or eye movements and ask him to imitate you. If he wants to imitate you in something, help him do that.

Sharing your household chores deepens for the child the meaning of participation and order and develops his language.

- Place toys or objects that he knows well under cloth or cotton towels and let him feel them from under the cloth at first to know what they are and then from above. You teach the child language, develop his sense of touch, and enhance his imagination skill.

- Put a toy in a box and ask him to bring it. This helps activate memory and language and also helps him understand commands.

- Do exercises daily by naming specific things in the house until he learns them well. Then give him orders to bring it and ask him to name it.

- Take a tour of the house together. Go with him to turn off and turn on the light while telling him the meaning of what you are doing, the table and what is on it, the kitchen and what it is made of, the refrigerator and what is inside it, the cupboard and what exactly it contains.

- Let your child freely discover everything, and just hide to protect him if he tries to put something in his mouth. But let him enter all rooms and all places, climb and stand. Let him explore everything. Just secure a place for him.

Some habits that a year and a half child should learn

The child must get used to throwing the garbage he has created in the place designated for garbage. Example: He finished drinking the juice and had to throw away the empty bottle. If he uses tissues for any purpose, he should throw them away. Teach him how to do it, don't do it in his place.

At first, ask him to do that and go with him until he understands your purpose. Then ask him and let him go alone. Eventually, he will get used to it and go alone without a direct order from you when drinking or eating.

When any water or food falls, the child must get used to cleaning it. Allocate your child with his own cloth to wipe the water and the table with, and allocate a broom to remove any remaining food. Of course, it is important that you help him in the beginning until he gets used to doing it on his own.

We start these activities from the age of walking, that is, one year or one year and a month. It is normal for children until they grow up to do this without your request, but training them from childhood helps well in this.

social skills:

Among the most important skills that a child needs to learn from his parents and the environment surrounding him, and he does not learn them alone, but rather learns them by watching:
- Dialogue.
- Imitation.
- Watch movies.
- Exposure to situations.
- Acting out situations and role-playing.

10 social skills that must be gradually taught to children after the age of two:

- Ask permission before entering any place.
- Say hello and greetings.
- Do not interrupt adults while talking.
- Expressing opinions without fear or anxiety, but in a polite manner.
- Listen carefully to what others say.
- Waiting for your turn and adhering to the rules.
- Participate with his friends in playing and games.
- Apologize if you make a mistake.
- Giving thanks to others if they do good to him.
-When he borrows things, he protects them because it is a trust.
- respecting others.

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