At this point in time, it is important to stay physically fit. And I
strongly believe that it is essential to keep yourself mentally fit and
have an emotional balance to help keep yourself physically fit. However,
I totally understand that these days having an emotional balance and
keeping ourselves mentally fit is a greater challenge than keeping
ourselves physically fit. But how do we overcome this challenge; this
fear, and this anxiety
Firstly, calm down and reflect upon yourself. Think about what is
stopping you from overcoming this wave of anxiety that is flowing to and
fro in your system. What is the actual barrier, which I can break
through and have an emotional balance? What is stopping me from being
mentally fit?
Well, now is the time when we all need to understand that we are the
ones who have built these barriers for ourselves and only we are
responsible to break through this barrier and defeat the anxiety that is
building within us. And this can be achieved by following some simple
steps and changing the thought process that will help us adopt a new
approach towards life.
Consider that there is a worm of anxiety sitting within you. And each
time you talk about the present scenario with your friends and family,
you are feeding this tiny worm. Each time you check social media or
WhatsApp forwards that are full of negative statements, you are helping
this tiny worm grow bigger. Every time you see the news or check on
headlines for regular updates, you are just feeding the worm and it
results in growing larger. In no time you will realize that this worm
has taken over you and has started ruling you.
Hence, in this case the first step to kill this worm is to stop
feeding it time and again. You don’t need to keep a check on all the
possible sources all day to tap on the current status. Well, it is
absolutely important to keep a tab of what’s happening around the world
and be aware, that can simply be done once or twice a day. There is no
need to follow every news channel and social media platforms 24/7. Set
rules for yourself and your family. Being at home should not stop you
from leading a disciplined life. So let’s reflect upon ourselves and
turn this obstacle into an opportunity. Here are a few suggestions that
can help you:
- Set time for keeping a tab on the current status and updates. For instance, it can be twice a day for no more than 15 minutes.
- Spend time with your family and children. Find activities to involve them. This will help them accelerate their knowledge and skills.
- Think upon what you’ve always wanted to do to improve yourself. What are the areas you can work upon for your personal growth? And all you need to do is research and find online courses that will help you.
- Utilize this time to tap into your children’s hidden potential, as well as your own. Social distancing cannot stop you from learning. Where there is a will, there is a way! So look for distance learning options as per your desire. There are amazing live interactive online training sessions that can certainly help you to upgrade your knowledge and skills. You never know, you might probably outshine after this quarantine period as you have equipped yourself with the required knowledge and skills.
- Be grateful that in spite of being in such a crucial situation, we are able to connect with everyone and anyone across the globe, as the present era is blessed with the internet and the latest technology that covers the distance of thousands of miles just at a click. So, make the most of technology to connect with your loved ones and be innovative, by having certain group sessions online. For example; do a cardio workout, yoga, play games, solve a puzzle, have a party, learn a song, or set up a dance with your friends and family using wonderful web meetings apps like Zoom, Webinar, Cloud meetings, etc.
- Read a book that you always wanted to. Even though you might not have this book at home, don’t worry! Fortunately, we have Google! Search for it, and you will surely find an e-version of that book. I am sure you will come across many other good reads while you are doing your online research. Grab this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and language too!
- There are various effective online training programs available for the current generation, who at this point in time need to divert their attention from the negativity around them and invest this time constructively and make the most of the e-learning platform. So sit with your teenagers at home and talk to them to understand their interests and identify their potential so you can guide them to choose the right option from the ones available online. Thus this will help them to build confidence and prepare them for a better tomorrow.
- Try to have a set-up or a role-play at home with your family as if you are to a fine dining restaurant, or probably on a picnic to the park or maybe a beach party. Get everyone set in the same mood. Use the required props, dress up accordingly and create an enjoyable atmosphere.
- Remember, there are things that are under your control and there are things that are probably beyond your control. So focus on things that are under your control and take complete charge of the situation. Do not wait for things to happen; make things happen.
- And lastly, live in the moment and enjoy your time with yourself and your families. Thinking about what will happen, where we are heading and what is our future going to be like, will lead you nowhere other than depression. So live in the present and take control of the situation with a positive approach.
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