Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, teenagers suffer from some problems during adolescence as a result of the physical and psychological changes that occur to them and affect their emotions, bodies, psychological states, and even their social relationships. Girls may be more sensitive in adolescence than boys, and there is no doubt that they suffer from different problems. Completely about the problems that children suffer from, for everyone who has a teenage daughter: to know the most important problems that your daughter may be exposed to during this sensitive period. Here is the article, read carefully.
Teenage girls: the most important problems they face, the most important solutions, and the special treatment they should receive |
The most prominent problems that a girl may encounter during adolescence:
Bullying is one of the serious problems that children and teenagers alike are exposed to. If your daughter is being bullied by her classmates at school, this will affect her personality, her self-confidence, and her education as well, because she will avoid going to school and will believe that she is an outcast and unwanted, or that she is not beautiful or unintelligent, which leads to... To depression in some cases.
the solution:
So, if you feel that your daughter is being bullied, your role here is to advise her and teach her how to respond and deal with bullies and the embarrassing situations they put her in. Teach her to defend herself well, and tell her that you are by her side and will protect her from anything.
Social relations:
At this age, your teenage daughter is developing her social skills, and this makes her confused about her relationships. Sometimes one of her friends will be her best friend, and after a few days she may be removed from her circle of friends. These problems and fluctuations are very normal and common among teenagers.
the solution:
Teach your daughter to accept the opinions and ideas of others, even if they are different from hers, and tell her that there is nothing wrong with having some problems with friends, as this is normal. You must tell her that the best way to solve problems with friends is to speak frankly and apologize when you make a mistake, and do not forget to get to know her friends to be sure. That they are good people.
Respect my self:
Teenage girls compare themselves and their bodies to other girls, which creates great pressure for them, which in some cases can lead to a lack of self-confidence and a lack of self-esteem. Even the physical changes that occur in your daughter may affect her self-esteem.
the solution:
If you notice that your teenage daughter's low self-esteem stems from her lack of confidence in her appearance and beauty, explain to her that there is no fixed standard for beauty, that every person has beautiful things and less beautiful things, and that we all have positives and negatives, in our shapes and personalities, and finally, encourage your daughter to hone her skills and practice activities. What you enjoy, make her focus on what distinguishes her, whether by skill, talent, or personal qualities.
Peer pressure:
Teenagers may put pressure on each other and be influenced by each other as well. Therefore, your daughter may behave in a certain, unusual way that gives her a feeling of belonging to her friends or makes her feel accepted by them.
the solution:
Explain to your daughter what peer pressure means and tell her that she is a unique and independent person and does not need to perform certain behaviors and actions to gain acceptance from others. Teach her to live spontaneously and as she wants and to show her personality, not to pretend another personality to please others.
the solution:
Academic problems:
the solution:
Girls' problems may often be the concern of the mother, but there is nothing wrong with the father talking to his daughter about this subject if the relationship between them and communication allows for this in the absence of the mother or the father's ability to influence more. What is important is to obtain the desired benefit.
How do you deal with these situations that girls go through at this age??
I feel like my daughter is hiding something, how can I help her come out and talk about it?
Share your experience and what you learned from it:
If you are in doubt about something specific, find a moment during the day (or create this moment yourself by going out for food or dessert...) to talk to her about a similar situation you had when you were her age, and explain how talking to an adult was helpful. In this matter.
Avoid pretending to be perfect:
Admit that you (like everyone) have made mistakes, and you will make mistakes in the future, and that what is important is to learn from those mistakes. Ask your daughter what she would do if she were in your place, and discuss it with her without judgement.
Make her feel important and needed:
Ask her opinion on a problem you're currently facing, or have her explain something to you on social media that you don't understand, or ask for her advice on what to eat today, etc.
Maintain a daily routine of sharing:
Tell her about the fun moments of your day:
Tell her about work, family, friends, things you've seen on social media, etc., and ask her how her day was. She may not respond at first, but when she feels that you are there for her, and that you are keen to share the details of your life with her, and that you will not blame or judge her, and that you need her, she will feel safe and gradually respond to you.
My daughter is ashamed of her body and has a wrong image of it. How can I help her overcome this feeling?
There are cases such as rebellion, stubbornness, and others that are caused by a lack of good communication with girls since childhood, and because of the actions of the mother herself. Review your behavior with your child, change your style, befriend her, and build bridges of communication and understanding between you. You need your daughter’s friendship more than her, and apply all the steps we mentioned.
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