Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, at the age of three years, the child begins to experience the world around him, his abilities and the limits of his control, the laws of the world, the abilities of others and the limits of their control, and studies the interaction of all of this together through daily experiences and situations to ultimately form his own perception of the way to deal with the world and others. And he creates his own way to get what he wants in the best way he tried and gave him a successful result.
The most important changes and developments that occur to a 3-year-old child:
1. Independence:
2. Curiosity and questions:
Why ?? A question that will stick with you all the time, and the more you answer a question, the more you will be asked. Do not worry, do not get bored, and do not prevent it, because in this way you will stop the flow of knowledge and the process of exploration. What you should do is answer his questions as much as possible, and you can take advantage of the opportunity and provide him with some books that contain many pictures and a lot of information in order to develop his brain skills.
3. Vast imagination:
Be careful not to associate him with lying and make him understand that you are lying to him. Quite the opposite. Connect this imagination to reality and feed it with a lot of real information. Imagination is the first method of creativity for your child.
4. He is afraid of many irrational things:
This is very normal, so accept it and it will decrease over time. This is due to the wide imagination that a child of his age has, and choosing when watching the cartoon that is appropriate and not scary for him.
5. Insistence and stubbornness:
Insistence and stubbornness are among the characteristics of a 3-year-old child, and it begins little by little to become less and less over time. Do not always refuse a lot because this complicates matters. Follow the means of persuasion or be smart and keep him busy with something else that will make him forget what he was stubborn about.
A 3-year-old child, what should he learn??
Because the world is not a place for implementing desires without calculation, it is our duty to teach the child this firmly, and bear the burden of his hardship. Because the child will try to pressure us in every way to win this battle in his favor, so he will be creative in breaking the rules and provoking us emotionally to test the extent of our seriousness and commitment to implementing those rules or not.
We take the example of a mother who takes her daughter with her when she goes to the supermarket to do household chores. The mother must agree with the child before going to the supermarket on only one type of candy that the child chooses to get, and if she chooses other things, she must maintain her position and remind her of the agreement and not She obeys her crying and emotional movements, then picks her up and leaves the place, reminding her of the agreement and the type of candy she chose.
This method may not work the first, second, or even fifth time. In fact, the girl’s stubbornness and nervous behavior may increase, and this is normal. All the mother has to do is adhere to the same behavior every time, and expect the child not to respond so as not to become nervous or confused. She knows that this happens to all children and all parents, so she must not give in to embarrassment and continue to adhere to the rule no matter what her child does.
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