Hello, dear visitors to my child’s world. Increasing height in children is something that people like, and some may make a mistake by saying that this is impossible, because studies prove that our height is determined by the sports and nutritional program that we follow, and that it is not bound by genetic or temporal conditions. Follow along with this article in which we show you the most important foods that, in addition to being healthy for your children, increase their height level.

Some of the most important foods that increase height in your children are healthy for them
: Dairy products
and dairy products are the best foods to achieve this goal, as they
contain calcium, proteins, and vitamins (A)(B)(D)(E). It is recommended
to drink two cups of milk daily. And introducing dairy products into our
Eggs are a good source of protein that contributes to increasing body height and supporting muscle mass with strength and structure.
It is the best natural source that supports the growth of tissues and muscles, and it should be consumed daily in boiled form, amounting to 50 grams, without skin or fat, in order to load the body with good proteins.
:the banana
Bananas are the greatest support for human height, thanks to their containing sources of potassium, manganese, calcium, and probiotics, in addition to the presence of sodium, which protects and supports calcium inside the bones.
: Oats
It is a source of vegetable protein that helps increase height, develop muscle mass, and repair bones, to encourage the creation of new tissues. It should be consumed at breakfast in the amount of 50 grams daily.
:Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds can be considered snacks that support human height, because they contain minerals, fats, and amino acids that help repair tissues and promote the creation of new ones, in addition to the presence of nutrients that stimulate the growth hormone, and the most famous of them is peanuts. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds, and they can be eaten with juices and salads.
Fish is a quick and strengthening boost to increase height, as it is an excellent source of proteins for height, with vitamin D, which stimulates the absorption of calcium, and its most famous products are salmon, tuna, and sardines.
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