Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, building a child by building his mind and thoughts, and building his mind and thoughts, is by strengthening his emotional side and strengthening the relationship with him in order to facilitate his education and upbringing on good principles and sound behavior to ensure a sound personality.
How does that happen??
insulting and cursing the child, by intimidating him, by mocking him,
by praying for the child, by conditional love (example: If you succeed
and are in the top three, I will love you, if you tidy your room, you
will make me happy)
That we belittle and ridicule their feelings when they are afraid or angry... In
this way, you are raising a cowardly child who lacks a sense of
security. He has a feeling that he is an unwanted child, a child who
must do things that you like in order to gain your love, a child who
conceals his feelings because you do not accept them, and he feels that
he is acting... He put pressure on those around him by being with them.
No one accepts him, whether with his advantages (which no one pays attention to) or his defects, and this helps the child lose his self-confidence. As educators, we need to be stronger by searching for sound educational methods through which we can raise and correct the wrong behaviors of our children in a positive way.
Research and read a lot until you find ways that make you able to reinforce positive behaviors in your children. You need to stop and look for what is wrong with your children’s behavior, because your children simply have many wonderful positives, but they only need you to focus on them.
What you focus on actually grows and grows.
Every father or mother must think about changing and evaluating their old outlook and way of dealing with their children. You can start with a very important step, which is to hug your children and enjoy their embrace, which unfortunately many forget with the busyness of life and returning home late while they sleep. Always emphasize your love for them, and that you are proud that they are your children.
about the field of education and the age stages of your children so
that you become good at dealing with them and understanding them so that
when they grow up, the day will come when they too will be proud of you
as their father or mother... so that you can contribute to building a
new generation that will benefit the nation.
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