How do you protect your child from bad people?? - Janatna

How do you protect your child from bad people??

 Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world. All parents hope that their child grows up in a healthy and clean environment free of bad relationships and far from bad people. Therefore, we must pay close attention to the child’s relationships, monitor him, and help him build them, because the child’s peers have a great influence on the child and have a major role in building his personality.

The most important things you can do to protect your child from bad people:

  • Work hard to give your son confidence and not depend on his friend, and to have the first and last say in his behavior and actions, so that your son does not feel miserable and lost if the friend is absent for some reason.
  • If your son is positive in his studies and has normal relationships with his family and sisters, there is no need to force him to end his friendship with someone, and make sure that it does not last due to a change in mood and inclinations, provided that you monitor his behavior and actions to intervene at the appropriate time.
  • Try to discuss with your child all the simple matters before the task, and in the middle, include your advice to stay away from every friend with whom you develop abnormal relationships and bad behavior, and share his interests and hobbies.
  • Any friendship relationship depends on mutual respect and honesty in treatment, while false friendships lead to destructive behavior, vulgarity, raising costs, and interfering in privacy. Therefore, the father must take into account the compatibility in age and cultural, social, and educational levels between the son and his friend.
  • Friends imitate each other in everything they do and say, so monitor your children’s actions and words and talk to them constantly to reach their way of thinking. Hence, parents reject some friends and welcome others.
  • The father must assume the role of his parental authority, which differs from the emotional influence of the mother, as he is considered more capable of setting red lines for the son and keeping him away from a bad friend.
  • You cannot stop a teenager's friendships in general, but you must get close to the son and get to know all his friends and their families. Through these friendships, the son is exposed to self-conflicts, jealousy, and selfishness. He also acquires the concept of social participation, and with it, he understands the meaning of relationships in general.
  • You should know that your children choose their friends on the basis that you followed when choosing their friends, and they choose those who share the same hobbies and games with them, and those who are similar to them in good qualities choose those who are similar to them and befriend them.
  • You must give your son the opportunity to make friends, provided that you are close to him so that you can intervene at the appropriate time.
  • Your child must be sure that a bad friend is a danger that will not go away unless you embrace your child with love and mutual trust, thus blocking all ways for bad friends.
  • Don't worry too much, let things go naturally, and sneak up smartly on your son's friends, then you can make observations about them and judge them.

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