to all dear visitors to my child’s world, some parents suffer from the
phenomenon of forgetfulness among their children, which in turn affects
their lives and their level of understanding. Forgetfulness in children
is a condition that varies from one child to another and its degrees
vary. What are the most important hidden reasons behind a child’s
forgetfulness, as it greatly affects his skills? What are the important
keys to obtaining a strong memory in children?? This is the content of
our article.
Forgetfulness in children:
The most important causes of forgetfulness in children:
- Malnutrition, especially deficiency in omega-3, iron, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, salts and some vitamins such as: B, A, E.
- Obesity and eating too much, especially immediately before studying, as the digestion process requires a large amount of blood, and therefore if the child eats food immediately before eating, blood flow to the brain will decrease and thus will lead to lethargy, laziness, fatigue, and lack of concentration in studying, thus resulting in weakness in memory.
- Watching too much television and its risks of distraction and lack of concentration. Thus, while studying, the child will always be distracted by his attachment to television programs, which leads to a lack of information received by the brain and a lack of focus on it, which leads to forgetfulness.
- The child does not feel safe and confident in those around him, and constant anxiety for reasons such as family problems, which weakens his memory.
- The pollution surrounding us is one of the causes of forgetfulness, whether it is dust pollution, radiation from phones, or noise in general.
- Some brain injuries and tumors that may cause poor memory and forgetfulness. In studying, reliance is placed on memorization rather than understanding, which is why he cannot link each piece of information to the other, while understanding makes him retrieve the information easily when he needs it.
- Suffering from any organic disease, such as: colds, high temperature, colic pain, headaches, and other symptoms that hinder concentration.
- Hunger and physical stress.
- Also, the causes of forgetfulness in studying and poor memory are due to lack of concentration when studying or similarity of information.
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Memory power in children: 10 keys to treating forgetfulness and obtaining strong memory in children |
10 important keys to having a strong memory in children:
The first key: marital compatibility between parents :
The positive, emotional family atmosphere that is visible to the child and with him is one of the strongest material and moral motivators for him to have a good and wonderful memory. We find that a disturbed and tense brain is unable to work efficiently, and quite the opposite when it enjoys a warm atmosphere emotionally and spiritually.
The second key: playing:
It plays an important role in the child’s mental development, as it provides him with information about the things around him and develops the ability to remember, notice, link, focus, and pay attention. This is undoubtedly an essential support for the child’s thinking and memory. Play also has an important role in spreading the spirit of joy and happiness in the child’s soul, which in turn are essential factors for the child’s positive and healthy activity, and whose effects are reflected in the child’s memory and thinking.
The third key: The environment in which he lives:
The environment and surroundings in which the child lives play an important role in motivating the child towards work and creativity or towards lethargy, laziness and dullness. When a child lives in an environment that stimulates his abilities and skills and sharpens his creative talents, comic stories, books, and tools that enrich the child linguistically, skillfully, cognitively, and creatively are in fact conducive to his mental growth and development.
The fourth key: How to deliver information:
If we put an item in a room in an organized and organized manner, and the room is also tidy and organized, will that item be lost?? Actually, no..... It's the same thing with information, if it is entered in a correct, organized, calm, and pleasant way, it will most likely descend quietly and effectively, but if it enters with screaming and violence, then its stability in the mind is not guaranteed. It also requires an organized and clean place in which the child can receive his knowledge with complete peace of mind.
The fifth key: connotations and epithets:
Programming the child's mind negatively or positively through suggestions or epithets has a prominent role in directing the child's behavior and memory based on his obstacles. We are not surprised that a child is stupid when he is called stupid by adults and they repeat it in his ears so that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and the same applies when he is described and called intelligent and genius. The child believes his parents and those responsible for teaching and upbringing because they are older than him and also more experienced.
Sixth key: healthy food:
The educator who is keen on the good mental development of his child should eat healthy, natural food and stay away from useless food that is full of sugars, fatty foods, artificial colors and fast food. A healthy, balanced diet works to raise the body’s immunity and protect it from diseases, thus having a positive effect on the quality of mental performance and memory.
The seventh key: linking:
One of the ways to consolidate information and make it easier to remember is to link the information to what is felt. For example, when we ask him to memorize the word orange, linking it to the color, taste, and texture, placing a picture of it in his memory, and also linking it to the occasion of what he experienced, all of this facilitates the process of memorization and remembering. You can also link the information to the child with a funny sentence and an associated image that facilitates the remembering process, as happiness and fun are among the most beautiful and powerful stimulants of the mind.
The eighth key: training in focus and attention:
This is done by reducing the time the child watches television or electronic games to the least amount of time possible. Also by giving the child a certain picture and then asking him to remember things he saw. As well as by training the child to divide the tasks given to him and complete them individually to reach the final goal. It is important to reward the child after every specific minute he spends studying with a time out to play a little, agreed upon with the child, until he regains his activity and focus.
The ninth key: reading:
Reading is considered food for the mind. It strengthens and activates the child’s memory and develops the scientific, linguistic and creative aspects. In it, the child acquires new concepts and knowledge, expands his scientific and taste perceptions, and it also motivates him to think, recall, and remember, especially when discussing with him the information he has read.
The tenth key: Using mind maps:
Draw a diagram using symbols, pictures, and colors associated with the words to be memorized and linked together. It was named this because of its similarity to the shape of nerve cells, which makes it the best way to stimulate the brain to remember, memorize and understand. It saves time for studying, facilitates the review process, and gives comprehensiveness to the entire topic in a short space (one sheet of paper), making it easier to memorize and remember.
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