Difficult tooth for my child: what is it? How do I deal with him? very important: - Janatna

Difficult tooth for my child: what is it? How do I deal with him? very important:


Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, one of the most important age stages in a child’s life, in which parents must be well aware of the correct and sound way of dealing with him, is the stage of 2-3 years. This is what we will discuss in this article, so stay tuned until the end.

How to deal with a child from 2 to 3 years old:

Discovery stage:

At this age, the child begins to discover that he is not the center of the universe and understands that the people around him were not created solely to meet his requests and desires. He encounters the presence of many obstacles that prevent him from implementing many of his desires. In short, he will begin to experience the first frustrations in his life.
In addition, he still does not have the linguistic skills that help him express the many feelings he feels or negotiate to get what he wants.

For these reasons, two things happen that upset the parents very much:

Many children go into bouts of screaming and nervousness, and you find them throwing themselves on the ground, kicking, and screaming hysterically.


Many times, some children use violence as a means of communicating with others because, as we mentioned, they lack other means of negotiation, such as using language for logic and persuasion, so they begin to hit, bite, and pull.

Many fathers and mothers at this age become depressed and feel that they do not know the best way to deal with their children and that their method is wrong. There is no need to worry, rest assured that the occurrence of such behaviors at this age is considered part of normal development. The important thing is to know how to deal with it so that it does not continue as the child ages.

Your role and what you should do as a father or mother:


It is strictly forbidden to return a blow with a blow, because this way he will automatically learn that it is actually a means of communication and understanding between people. All we have to do is hold his hands and prevent him from hitting us.


If the child enters into such seizures and throws himself on the ground. The solution here is complete ignorance without any reaction, neither negative nor positive. Our response in any way means to him that he succeeded in putting pressure on us or he succeeded in drawing our attention with this behavior, and so this topic will be repeated two, three or more times. As long as we are not afraid that the child will hurt himself, we should completely ignore it. And of course without doing what he asked.

Understanding stage:

At approximately two and a half years old, the child will begin to understand feelings well and acquire a sense of empathy for others.

Your role as a father or mother

We use this to correct and guide the child. We get angry with him if he does something wrong and warn him of this, but we also encourage him and rejoice in him when he does a good deed, even if it is simple.

Realization and acceptance stage:

The child begins to understand simple sentences and also understands that there are consequences to his actions, and that there is a relationship between cause and effect.

Your role as a mother and father:

Instead of using one or two words in guidance at a younger age, we begin explaining in a simplified way how what we did was wrong, and in a simplified way that means one cause and one result, meaning, for example, you threw away the toy and will not play with it again. It is useless to explain that if you throw the toy, it may break, and if you keep breaking your toys, the money will run out, and this will make Daddy angry and he will not buy you any more toys, because you will not have toys!! He will never understand complex logic at this age! Pay attention. We also begin by setting rules and a simple list of things that are prohibited and permitted and that require punishment or reward.

The distraction method is still effective and produces good results, and we continue to use it.


At this age, the child begins to face reality, but he is still dissatisfied and not convinced by it. He cannot express himself well. He may begin to remain nervous and sometimes violent. This does not mean that you have failed in raising him or that your upbringing is wrong at all. His understanding increases little by little, so we can explain the error to him in a simple way and try to accustom him to abiding by some simple rules.

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