To every mother who will start introducing solid foods to her infant’s diet: Read and pay attention.. Very important - Janatna

To every mother who will start introducing solid foods to her infant’s diet: Read and pay attention.. Very important

 Hello to all dear visitors to my baby’s world, to every mother of our followers who will start introducing solid foods to her infant’s diet: You must be very careful about this step, as introducing food must be at the age of 5-6 months, no less, depending on the child’s ability, and do not allow otherwise, as this stage The first time your child sees food and recognizes it is what affects the extent to which he accepts different foods after that... very important. Read and pay attention .

To every mother who will start introducing solid foods to her infant’s diet: Read and pay attention.. Very important

Here is a list of baby food in the sixth month:

When introducing food to the diet of an infant who is in the fifth or sixth month, depending on the child’s ability, rice cereals and oats are among the least allergenic grains in children, so it is recommended to start with them, and it is preferable to offer the cereals to the infant mixed with breast milk so that their taste is palatable to him.

In the first stage, completely avoid giving your child grains containing gluten, such as: wheat and barley, especially if there is a family history of allergies and digestive disorders.


Avocado is a meal that is complete in nutrients and delicious at the same time. A slice of mashed avocado alone or mixed with breast milk gives your child a meal that is complete in nutrients and delicious at the same time.

the banana:

Bananas are one of the most natural and ideal fruits for infants. All children love bananas for their sweet and delicious taste. Bananas are a filling and ideal food for your child from the fifth month. They are rich in fiber to help your child digest in the first stage of introducing food, and protect him from constipation during the stage of introducing solid food.


It is a favorite dish for children. You can cook it in the oven and mash it using a blender to make a delicious puree. Pumpkin is also an essential source of giving your child beta-carotene and fibre.

sweet potato:

It is the first food that is friendly to infants and contains a high percentage of fiber that protects them from constipation. It is also a good source of vitamin C and potassium.


Cut the carrots into slices and put them in the oven or steam them so that they do not lose their nutritional value and serve them to your child well mashed. Children love carrots for their sweet taste and attractive color. Carrots also contain a high percentage of vitamin A and beta-carotene, and they also have great benefits in strengthening look.


You can serve cooked apples to your child after peeling them and steaming them to ensure that all nutrients are preserved. Apples are a nutritious meal for infants in the first stage of introducing food, as they contain a high percentage of iron, and they are also a natural treatment for cases of diarrhea.


It is one of the safest foods in the first food stage. Children who are allergic to pears are very rare, and pears are a light fruit with low acids, which makes them easy to digest. You can add pears to cereals or make a puree with breast milk.


Pea puree is an ideal vegetable for infants when they start eating. Peas have a sweet taste and contain a high percentage of fiber, which is beneficial for your child. You can add it to breast milk or some fruit that your child loves.

Breastfeeding milk:

There is no food that gives your child what he needs at this age and becomes a substitute for breast milk, so do not deprive him of breast milk and its great benefits, especially during the first year of his life, as it is the most important and beneficial food of all.

Very important advice:

We advise and emphasize that every mother should prepare her baby’s food at home due to its great benefits, and avoid buying ready-made canned foods from the supermarket.

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