Does my child look like me?? Does he really imitate me in everything?? Am I a role model for him?? - Janatna

Does my child look like me?? Does he really imitate me in everything?? Am I a role model for him??

 Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world. All parents share a dream, which is to see their children as an example and role model to be followed in everything in their lives. Since they are the two people the child sees, talks to, and lives with the most, there is a very important question that they must ask and they must answer. Also: Am I a role model for my child??

In this article, we will discuss a very important topic, which is that the role model that the child takes is either the father or the mother, and am I a role model in deed and word??

Am I a role model for my child??

The answer to this question is very simple, and the puzzle of the answer is your response to this question.

Does your child hear your words and do everything you ask?? If your answer is no or it does not always apply what I say, follow along with us, this article will benefit you well.

If your son is distracted and does not hear words, simply because you are doing the opposite of what you say.
That is, if you are nervous, for example, or constantly nervous, whether with him or constantly at home, and you ask him not to be fanatic, then you are wrong if you think that he will hear what you say and implement it. Even if it is implemented once, this does not mean that it will always be repeated. In the end, he will imitate you.

One of the most important pieces of advice in education is to beware of the contradiction between your words and your actions, because it is completely illogical. There must be harmony in your words and actions. Also, one of the very easy ways to make your child hear your words about a specific matter is to see you doing it. Children, no matter what they hear from us, in the end they do what we do.

For example:

- If you want to teach your child to ask for permission, it is natural that before you enter your room, you knock on the door and ask him for permission to enter. Also, before you take something from him, you must ask for his permission, and whenever you ask him for something, tell him please, and after he completes what you asked, say thank you.
Always continue like this and watch what your child will do? He will imitate you.

- If you want to teach him to apologize, start with yourself, and when you make a mistake against him, apologize to him. If he made a mistake against someone, you should ask him to apologize, not defend him when he was wrong in the first place.
Teach him that apologizing does not diminish our importance. On the contrary, only the strong and mentally mature person apologizes if he makes a mistake.

Likewise, most of the behaviors that you want your child to practice must begin with you and he finds them in you and most of those around him. You will find him doing them automatically. It will become a daily behavior for him and a habit that will stick with him and accompany him as he grows older.

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