Important information about the miracle breast milk and an overview of its most important components
Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, to every heroic breastfeeding woman: Learn with us about the precious blessing that God has bestowed on you and specifically allocated to you only. Learn with us about the components of the miraculous mother’s milk and some interesting information about it.

Each breast milk feed contains:
More than 40 enzymes, 7 of which are catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions in the body.
enzymes in your milk have functions such as helping your baby digest
and strengthen his immune system, as well as helping him absorb iron.
Growth factors that support healthy growth. These factors affect many parts of your child's body, including the intestines, blood vessels, nervous system, and glands that secrete hormones.
Hormones, breast milk contains a lot of them. These smart chemicals send messages between tissues and organs to make sure they are working properly. Some of them help regulate your baby's appetite and sleep patterns, and even help your bond.
Vitamins and minerals, nutrients that support healthy growth and organ function, as well as help build your child's teeth and bones.
Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins. There are five basic forms of antibodies and they can all be found in your milk. They protect your baby from diseases and infections by neutralizing bacteria and viruses.
More interesting information about breast milk:
Breast milk goes through three stages, the first of which is the colostrum stage, which is a thick yellow substance that comes out immediately after birth. It is rich in nutritious calories and antibodies to give your child an excellent start in his life, which is very little but enough for him. Then comes the transitional milk, which is between colostrum and mature milk, and its quantity and calories are greater. On the tenth day, after two weeks, mature milk rich in nutrients comes out.
Myths and false statements about breast milk:
The belief that breast milk does not fatten the child and that giving the child artificial milk increases his health is completely wrong. Introducing formula milk in high quantities without a need or prescription, and in specific doses, is linked to a high rate of obesity and obesity in children in the future. On the other hand, the mother’s goal should be to strengthen her child’s health and immunity, not to make him fat.
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