Signs that your child needs a speech pathologist: - Janatna

Signs that your child needs a speech pathologist:

 Hello to all dear visitors to My Child’s World, recent studies indicate that early intervention in treating any problem facing a child reduces the effects of this problem on him when he grows up. Among the signs that alert you to the presence of a speech defect in your child, which requires contacting a speech pathologist, we will discuss them in this article.


1. Weak social interaction in the child:

Linguistic development is closely linked to social interaction. The child uses language in his

interaction with others, and thus his linguistic abilities and skills develop as a result of using it in several social contexts. The following signs indicate the presence of a problem in the child:

  • If the child does not laugh and smile at others by the age of 3-4 months or more.
  • If he does not raise his hands when you say 'come closer' by the age of 8-9 months or older.
  • If he does not respond to his name by the age of 12 months or older.
  • If he does not play appropriately with children aged two years or older.

2. If he does not play in a participatory manner with children three years of age or older:

The child makes some sounds on a few occasions when he is 10-12 months old. A normal child begins to make sounds starting from the first month of his life, and then these sounds increase as he grows older, so babbling appears at approximately six months of age, then babbling like babababa... daddada... Here, the parents must compare the child with his brother or one of his relatives, and if he rarely makes sounds, the parents must consult a speech pathologist, who in turn will guide the parents to the appropriate steps and stages for diagnosing the child if there is a problem.

 3. The father and mother do not understand the child’s speech at the age of 18-24 months:

The normal speech of a child aged 18-24 months is usually incomprehensible to others, but the father and mother understand his speech well. However, if the child’s speech is incomprehensible even to the father and mother, then the child may be suffering from a problem.

4. That the child does not produce a sentence of two words:

Such as, “Where is Daddy, I want Mama.” At the age of two or two and a half years, a normal child begins using a two-word sentence at approximately two years of age, and a delay in producing sentences indicates a problem.


5. That a child aged 3 years and three and a half years does not understand commands:

Such as: Give me, take, come...or colors or not counting to three. A normal child understands some verbs at the age of one to two years and begins to understand colors at the age of between two and a half and three years, and in the event that the child is late in understanding these concepts.

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