Statue of Lot's wife
There in Jordan, on the outskirts of the Dead Sea, there is this miracle that bears witness to the story of the destruction of the people of God’s Prophet Lot, peace be upon him.
This fossilized structure is not a statue made by humans, but rather it is a statue of the wife of our master Lot, and God turned her into stone to be an example to the worlds.
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Statue of Lot's wife |
It was stated in verses 137 and 138 of Surat Al-Saffat, in response to the story of the destruction of the people of Lot: “And indeed, you pass by them in the morning, and at night. Do you not understand?
The people of Lot... (the obscene village of Sodom)
Lot is one of the prophets of God - the Almighty - who lived in Sodom, which is several villages on the shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan. Our master Lot was the nephew of our master Abraham, and one day guests came to our master Abraham. They were three men, with beautiful faces. They entered upon him and said: Peace, and he returned their greeting and said: Peace, and welcomed them and was happy with their arrival. Because our master Abraham was a generous man who loved guests and loved to honor them, he quickly went to his wife, Mrs. Sarah, and slaughtered a large, fat calf so that his guests could eat and take their food. He roasted the calf and it took shape. Delicious and delicious, he brought it to them so they could eat it, but they did not bring it or eat it!
Our master Abraham was afraid of these young men. Because if the Arabs visited a guest and did not eat their food, they thought that he did not bring anything good.
When the guests saw the fear that befell Abraham, they said: Do not be afraid of us, for we will not harm you, for we are sent angels. It was said that they were Gabriel, Israfil, and Michael.
They said to him: Do not be afraid, Abraham, and after they gave him good news about his son Isaac, they told him that God sent us to destroy the village of Sodom. Our master Abraham was sad and said: But this village contains Lot, and he is a righteous and faithful man. They said to him: Do not worry; God Almighty will save him from them and he will not perish with them. Our master Abraham tried to convince them not to destroy the village, so that its people might return to the truth and repent for their actions. But they said to him: O Abraham, turn away from this. The command of your Lord has come, for God has decreed that He will destroy them, and if God decrees a matter, it must happen, and we must obey Him and surrender to Him, so Abraham remained silent, and the angels went to the villages of Sodom to take revenge on its people.
(And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the good news, they said, “Indeed, we will destroy the people of this town. Indeed, its people were wrongdoers.” (31) He said, “Indeed, therein is Lot.” They said, “We know best who is in it. We will certainly save him and his family, except his wife. She will be of those who will leave behind.” (Al-Ankabut)
(So when the terror departed from Abraham and the good tidings came to him, he was disputing with us about the people of Lot. (74) Indeed, Abraham is forbearing, vulgar, and repentant. (75) O Abraham, turn aside. About this - indeed, the command of your Lord has come - and indeed, there has come to them a punishment that will not be returned ([Hud]
The people of Lot went against nature, and moved away from the pure nature of man, so men began to live with men, and women lived with women, and they committed reprehensible acts that angered God - the Almighty - and even men married men and women married women (Are you committing an immoral act that no one in the world has ever done before you?) [Verse 80: Surah Al-A’raf], (Indeed, you should come on men and cut off the path, and come to your place with evil)... [Verse 29: Surat Al-Ankabut]
On top of all this, they were infidels who worshiped idols, blocked the road, took travelers’ money and luggage, violated sanctities, violated honor, betrayed companions, committed evil actions in public, mocked people, deleted passers-by, and harmed them with inappropriate words and actions.
Our Master Lot lived in this unjust village, living as a stranger among them, wondering what they were doing, and hating their bad behavior.
Our master Lot was a believing man who worshiped God alone, was polite, knew the rights of a guest and honored him, and helped strangers and travelers. He was a believing man and they were all evil and bad.
Because our master Lot was a good man, all the people of Sodom hated him. Because he did not do the same as them, and because he always advised them to stop their bad actions and return to the nature of God - the Almighty - and live with their wives and children, but they did not respond to him, and were arrogant towards him.
Days, months, and years passed, and our master Lot continued to invite them, advising them, calling them to God, and forbidding them from bad deeds, but with all of this, the people of Sodom increased in their corruption and evil, and their harassment of our master Lot increased, to the point that they tried to expel him from their village, (they said, “If you do not stop, oh Lot, you will be among those who are brought out. (.. [Verse 167: Surat Al-Shu’ara’]
They mocked him and said: He is a clean man! They even mocked him and said: Bring us the punishment of God if you are of the truthful ones!
What saddens the heart is that the wife of our master Lot did not believe in God. Rather, she was an infidel like them, and she was satisfied with the evil and bad deeds that the people of the village did. She was even spying on our master Lot and bringing them news of him!
There were no believers in this village except our master Lot and his daughters, and perhaps a small number of those who hid their faith in God!
The angels departed from our master Abraham towards the village of Lot, and they came to it at midday. When they reached the River Sodom, they found Lot's daughter drawing water for her family, and they said to her: O maid, is there a home? She said: Yes; So, do not enter your place until I come to you. She was afraid that her people would do bad and obscene things to them, so she came to her father and said: Father, there are young men at the gate of the city. I have not seen the faces of a people more beautiful than them. I fear that if your people see them, they will harm them and do evil things with them. Should we host them?[
Our master Lot felt confused; He is afraid that if he hosts them, the village people will learn of their arrival and come to them and take them. Will he refuse to host them? How is that when he is a man of faith who knows that it is neither good morals nor religion for a Muslim to refuse to help his Muslim brother? He cannot refuse to host them, perhaps they are hungry or tired or need help. What should he do?!
Despite his tension and anxiety and his feeling that this day would be a severe day (he felt bad for them and was fed up with them and said, “This is a difficult day”), he decided to host them, and indeed the three guests came to the house of our master Lot, and no one in the entire village knew that our master Lot had guests except his bad infidel wife, who knew Lot has male guests.
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Statue of Lot's wife, Sodom, Jordan, Dead Sea |
That evil woman came out and told her people that Lot had guests who looked beautiful and were very handsome, so the bad men of the village rushed to the house of our master Lot, and they started knocking on the door very forcefully and saying: Oh Lot, bring out your guests for us!
Our Master Lot feared for his guests, and he kept looking right and left looking for someone to help him, but he did not find anyone. He was alone and many of them were waiting for him to open the door to take his guests and do immoral and evil things with them.
Despite all this, our master Lot was a brave man. He closed the door on his guests to protect them and went out to them alone, strong and faithful, and said to them: O my people, return to your senses, return to your nature. Is there not among you a rational man who is disgusted by the evils you are doing?! Aren't you ashamed of your evil deed? Aren't you ashamed for God to see you in this state?! Accept God's command, marry women, and stay away from men. (These are my daughters. They are purer for you)... [Verse 78: Surah Hud]
But they were persistent and stubborn, and did not listen to him. Their minds were sick, and they said to him: You know that we do not want women, but rather we want men, so bring them out for us! Lot wished at this moment that he would not be alone, and that he would have supporters to help him, and helpers to help him protect his guests. (And do not be disgraced in my presence.) [Verse 78: Surah Hud] (He said, “If only I had power over you or could take refuge in a strong corner.”) [Verse 80: Surat Hud]
So that they would not be subjected to harm, and at this moment the door opened and the guests came out, and Gabriel, peace be upon him, struck their faces, causing their eyes to go out and they became blind and unable to find the way. : Surah Al-Qamar]
Then they turned to him and revealed their true identity and that they were not human, and they said to him: O Lot, do not be afraid, and be safe and reassured, for we are messengers of your Lord. God has sent us to destroy this village, and to destroy its unbelieving, unjust people and to carry out the torment on your people.. (They said, “We will destroy the people of this village.” Indeed, its people were wrongdoers)... [Verse 31: Surat Al-Ankabut]
In the morning, take your family except your bad wife, and leave this village at the end of the night, and none of you should look back if you hear the sounds of screaming so that the torment will not befall him. Yin ) [Verse 33: Surat Al-Ankabut]
Indeed, our master Lot ordered his family to prepare to leave the village in the heart of darkness, and in the middle of the night he had to leave and take his family away with him. Chaos prevailed among the people of Sodom, and our master Lot and his family left the village in a hurry, and at sunrise an amazing and strange thing happened, (We are descending upon... The people of this town are a punishment from heaven because they were defiantly disobedient.) [Verse 34: Surah Al-Ankabut]
(So when Our command came, We made the highest part of it the lowest part of it, and rained upon it stones of compacted shale.) .. [Verse 82: Surat Hud], (So the cry seized them, shining. (73) So We made the highest part of it the lowest part, and rained down upon them stones of shale.) .. [Surat Al-Hijr]
A tremendous, earth-shattering scream rang out, and God rained flaming stones on them from the sky, burning them, and suffocating smoke surrounded them, roasting their faces and bodies. The king uprooted the village with the tip of his wing, including what was in it, and raised it until the people of the sky heard the barking of its dogs and the crowing of their roosters. Then the village turned upside down. And God made the high ones the low ones, and the sky of Sodom was filled with masses of blazing fire, and the fire flooded the land of Sodom.
Morning came, and the sun rose, but after the village of Sodom was completely destroyed, everything in it was destroyed and burned. It turned into piles of burning stones. Everything that was burned turned into ashes.
The people of Sodom were arrogant in the land, corrupted it, and went against their nature, so their punishment was severe and painful.
For this reason, God’s intense wrath befell them, and the village of our master Lot completely ceased to exist, and it no longer existed, and their village and their names were erased from the earth.
God saved Lot and his daughters by His mercy, Glory be to Him. Because they kept the covenant, gave thanks for the blessing, worshiped the One and Only God, and were the best example of chastity and purity, and the village of Sodom became an example and a sermon for all future generations. The torment ended and the unjust people who committed great immorality ended, but the sermon is that our Lord made their place exist after them so that it remains an example for others.. (And We have left from it a clear sign for a people who understand.) .. [Verse 35: Surat Al-Ankabut] (And indeed, you pass by them in the morning (137) and at night. Will you not understand?) .. [Surat Al-Saffat]
Scientists say that the place of the Seven Cities remained a strange lake with brackish, highly salty water, and the density of the water was greater than the density of salty sea water.
In this lake there are melted mineral rocks that suggest that the stones with which Lot’s people were struck were burning meteors [It is said that this lake is the “Dead Sea”! .. It is known that there is no life there due to the intensity of its salinity and the density of its water.
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