The most expensive liquid in the world, the most expensive liquid substance on planet Earth - Janatna

The most expensive liquid in the world, the most expensive liquid substance on planet Earth

 Through a previous topic, we learned about what is the most expensive substance or the most expensive things on the planet Earth , but what is the most expensive liquid in the world. It never occurred to anyone that the most expensive liquid in the world is one of the most toxic liquids ever.

The most expensive liquid in the world, the most expensive liquid substances in the world:

Scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world, with the price of one liter of scorpion venom reaching more than ten million dollars.

The most expensive liquid in the world, scorpion venom

In addition, scorpions use their venom to protect themselves from predators and hunting animals. However, scorpion venom, despite its danger and painful sting, has another great importance for humans

Why is scorpion venom so expensive?

Why is scorpion venom so expensive? Scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid on the planet Earth. The important point to explain the reason for the exorbitant price of one gallon of scorpion venom, approximately 39 million dollars for less than (four liters), is the difficulty of obtaining scorpions and the difficulty of extracting the raw material from them, as well as the high demand for it are all factors. To an increase in the price of poison

Therefore, obtaining several liters of scorpion venom requires finding millions of scorpions to obtain the venom, as only one milligram can be obtained from each scorpion.

The importance of scorpion venom and the therapeutic uses of the most expensive venom in the world:

The protein found in scorpion venom is used in treatment and in the development of some medicines. Therefore, scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid known in the world due to its extensive use in the medical field. The substance “chlorotoxin” found in scorpion venom is used in the treatment of brain and spinal cord cancer, as it was known in the past that Scorpion venom was used to eliminate malaria and treat bone diseases.

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