Parental disputes and problems and their effects on the psychology and behavior of children in their most important stages of life - Janatna

Parental disputes and problems and their effects on the psychology and behavior of children in their most important stages of life

 Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, the family is the child’s only safe haven during his periods of development, especially in his early years, and the relationship between the parents has the greatest role and influence in this. Remarkably, conflict and quarrels between parents make it easier for children to quarrel among themselves, because the atmosphere at home becomes tense and children enjoy imitating. Marital disputes have a profound impact on the child, and many may not realize its extent until it is too late. Let us pay close attention.

The importance of agreeing on unified educational rules in raising children:

It is important for there to be an agreement between parents on an appropriate educational method because it has necessary and important factors and benefits in building the personality of their children. Among these benefits are:

- Creating a calm atmosphere in which the child can grow up.
- Building the child’s confidence in the father and mother.
- Feeling safe for the child.
- Building the child’s self-confidence.
- Encouraging the child to express himself and express his opinion without fear.
- Training the child to face his problems and try to solve them calmly.
- Teaching the child the principle of respect for others.
- The child’s psychological stability.
- Healthy mental development of the child.
- Helping the child develop his skills in all fields.

When the parents agree on unified parenting methods for raising children, the child will receive the information or principle that we want to teach, but if we do not agree, different messages will reach the child and he will become distracted. Care must also be taken to agree with any other person who helps in raising the child, such as the grandfather or grandmother, so that the principles that reach the child are unified.

The impact of marital disputes on the psychology, mind, and behavior of children:

Its effects on children:

One of the most prominent effects of marital disputes on a child is that he becomes accustomed to a pattern of violent behavior and quarrels. He begins to behave aggressively and violently with his peers and tends to always cause problems.

Children who are accustomed to having problems between their parents resort to resolving their disputes with their siblings and friends using the same methods that they saw their parents using among themselves.

Parental disputes and frequent family problems cause children to develop eating disorders such as anorexia, which results in weight loss, such as stomach problems, headaches, and sleeping difficulties.

The child's sense of security dies little by little, and he is overcome by a feeling of sadness, panic, and fear most of the time, which undermines his confidence in himself and in all his surroundings, including his teachers and friends. He becomes antisocial, in addition to a decline in his academic and cognitive level.

Its effects on teenagers:

Adolescents are in this sensitive stage, as they grow accustomed to the existence of family disputes, and they find it difficult to determine who they can truly trust in their lives, and they suffer greatly from the problem of trusting others.

As they become aggressive and trouble-makers, they have difficulty adapting to studying, whether with students or with professors.

The teenager's living in a home where there are frequent disagreements and quarrels provides the ground for him to turn to methods without supervision, such as early smoking, drinking alcoholic substances, and drug abuse, and these methods have devastating results.

They have a very negative and dark idea about life, so their self-esteem decreases, and their actions are based on the deterioration of their self-image.

The child’s relationship with the quarreling parents:

Children who grow up in homes where there are many quarrels and disagreements have negative views about family relationships and the value of family cohesion in general. You will find that they tend to stay alone and do not like to sit with their parents.

One of the most important factors that connects a child and his parents is trust. With the frequent presence of marital problems and quarrels, we find that it diminishes little by little until it ceases to exist, and the relationship becomes dry.

Quarrels and disagreements between spouses are stressful and exhausting, which makes parents not spend time with their children to care for them and take care of them as they should. All of this affects the quality of the relationship, making it difficult for them to show warmth and affection.

Keys to stability and overcoming marital problems:

Understanding and good listening:

You must understand each other as a couple and listen to each other’s opinions without interrupting or arguing. You must know that God created each person with a different makeup than others, and your ability to understand each other is a large part of overcoming differences that lead to problems.

Privacy and confidentiality:

Make your life yours alone, as you know the details of your life and your circumstances, and the interference of others is the cause of discussions and quarrels. Sit together, talk a lot, and agree together on matters of managing your life on your own.

Stop comparisons:

If you compare your lives, you will never be satisfied and you will live in conflicts and differences forever. So stop comparing and be satisfied and confident that people’s circumstances and lives are not similar to each other. You cannot take anyone’s life as a standard and you cannot compare your lives to the lives of others.

Appreciation and respect:

If you do not appreciate the effort you are making and do not respect it, you will be responsible for causing problems and destroying life between you. Respect and appreciate each other even if you disagree.

Don't hold back:

If you are stingy with each other, whether in feelings or money, or you are harsh and harsh in your dealings, then problems will inevitably arise. Therefore, provide love and make an effort to show each other your love and care.

Honesty and frankness:

Lying can never make you live a stable and normal life, and what you hide today will be revealed later and will bring you problems and unhappiness. Therefore, be frank and honest together from the beginning and express your feelings and personalities to each other with all sincerity and clarity.

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