Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, these are simple points for a large number of parents who do not think about them. They are simple notes and easy to implement, ensuring that children are respectful, that is, they respect themselves and respect others, and they must be self-evident in our daily lives:
Very intuitive and practical steps to teach a child respect |
The most important steps that help us teach our children respect
phrase “please” or “please” must be used when requesting something from
a child, and when we deal with each other, there is no difference
between old or young, and it is not permissible to speak to the child in
imperative language when requesting and then force him to use these
terms with us. Thus, he will think double-mindedly.
word “thank you” is very important and necessary and means a lot. When
we say it to a child, we give him appreciation for what he does, and we
show him love. It is also necessary that we make sure to say it
spontaneously in our daily lives.
When addressing others, one must look at them, as it is a sign of respect.
silent, or say the word “shh” to stop the child when talking, it must
be completely removed from our linguistic dictionary, and when the child
tries to interrupt our conversation; We simply have to look at him and
say, “Please wait a little while until I finish speaking,” and when he
is silent, we say to him: “Thank you.”
a child complains that his brother hit him, most parents are quick to
punish the wrong brother by hitting him! What's the point here? We
punish those who hit by beating! Beating is not a way of dealing, and
we cannot prevent a child from hitting his peers or friends while we are
hitting him, as violence begets violence.
is a mutual behavior, and we cannot ask a child to respect his elders
before we teach him the meaning of respect, and for him to understand
what respect is; We must start respecting him first so that he treats
us in the same way.
love and care by saying the word “I love you” to the child, or by
hugging him, or touching his hair spontaneously, and without occasion or
reason, will teach him unconditional love and care for his family
Speak quietly to gain listening and attention, and avoid a loud voice because it indicates chaos.
Even among members of the same family, respect, nice polite speech, and expression of appreciation must be followed.
the child’s comments when he alerts someone older than him. To remind
him that he did not act or speak in a polite manner, and thank him for
the observation, not rebuke him. This way, the child will always be
encouraged to monitor himself and his behavior and be proud of his
correct manner .
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