Common mistakes with newborns: pay close attention to them and avoid them - Janatna

Common mistakes with newborns: pay close attention to them and avoid them

 Hello to all dear visitors to My Child’s World, there are many mistakes in dealing with infants that many mothers are unaware of and apply in their daily lives. We will show them to you in this article and invite you to avoid them.

The most common mistakes in dealing with newborns:

Ignore the child when he cries:

Psychiatrists do not recommend completely ignoring a child's crying during the night, as this behavior leads to the child feeling anxious and insecure. But you can leave the baby to cry a little before rushing to pick him up, as sometimes he calms down on his own.

Do not allow the child to be kissed:

The mother should not allow others to embrace and kiss the newborn before he is three or four months old, in order to leave an opportunity for the child’s immune system to develop.

Delay in changing the baby's diaper:

The mother must know that this may lead to the child suffering from skin rashes and sometimes urinary system infections.

Shake the baby:

It has now become a confirmed scientific fact that shaking a child represents a real danger to his health, which may lead to internal bleeding or death, God forbid.


(Wrapping the child tightly inside his clothes or blanket): While swaddling does not represent a problem if the mother is attentive and accompanies the child, especially in cases of colic, it may become dangerous if you leave the child sleeping without your supervision, and one of its most dangerous consequences is the child suffocating.

Cleaning the baby from back to front when changing the diaper:

This helps in the transfer of microbes from the anus to the vagina and the urine exit hole. This practice may lead to severe infections in the urinary system.

. Keeping the baby's head in one position at night:

The child is unable to move his neck in the first months of life, and continuing to place the child in one position during his sleep while he is unable to move may lead to a flat spot on the child’s head. Therefore, when breastfeeding the baby or changing his diaper, it is preferable to put him back in a different position

Keeping the child indoors:

This is one of the common misconceptions, as a child going out in the appropriate atmosphere to open places improves his health condition.

. Restricting the baby’s breastfeeding times to specific times:

It is normal for a newborn to need to be breastfed every two to three hours, but you should never abuse the child in adhering to these times.

Child punishment:

Its purpose is usually to discipline the child and prevent him from certain behaviors, but this is never logical or effective before the child learns the meaning of the word “no,” and that is before he turns two years old.

. Use a pillow under the child’s head, no matter how thin:

This point is very serious; Because using these pillows threatens the newborn with suffocation, in addition to the fact that a newborn at this age does not need them at all to feel comfortable.

Smoking around the child:

Whether by the mother, father, or anyone else, the small size of the newborn doubles the effects of the toxins found in cigarette smoke on his body.

Dealing with newborn illnesses at home and taking the advice of those around you and friends without consulting a doctor, especially at this critical age.

Forgetting to burp (regurgitation):

Especially after night feedings, when fatigue and exhaustion take over the mother, and this forgetfulness leads to the accumulation of air in the newborn’s stomach, causing colic and crying, and depriving the mother of sleep.

. Letting the baby sleep on his stomach after feeding:

(Without the mother noticing) in order to get rid of gases, which may expose the child to sudden infant death syndrome.

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