My child is completely dependent on me and I want him to become independent.. How can I achieve this??? - Janatna

My child is completely dependent on me and I want him to become independent.. How can I achieve this???

 Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, the independence of our children is something that happens with training and encouragement from parents. How can a child whose parents do all the tasks for him that he can do on his own eventually turn into an independent person? The only message that will reach him is that you do not have complete confidence in his ability. On making things successful on his own, your child may actually amaze you with the things he can take responsibility for on his own if given the opportunity.

Here are the most important tips to support your child’s independence and reduce his dependence on you:

Let your child help himself:

Do not rush to complete your child’s affairs yourself every time. Give him the opportunity to try and allow him to discover his abilities without reprimand or intimidation. Do not intervene unless you feel that he has truly exhausted all his attempts, and do not forget that you must start praising him for his small achievements, even if they are incomplete. He will improve himself later if he receives sufficient encouragement from you.

Create small, age-appropriate goals for your child:

Set simple goals for your child that do not require much effort or time so that he is able to complete them completely on his own, and never interfere with them unless he asks for your opinion or advice, taking into account his age in that, such as collecting his toys in their own box after playtime ends, or arranging the His bed before going to school, or choosing the appropriate outfit and other simple things.
Your child can also sort his clothes from the rest of the clothes in the laundry, and you can also give him some dishes to help you arrange the dining table before eating. Children very much love the feeling of helping with adults’ work.

Show your confidence in your child:

Always show your child that you trust him and that he is capable of handling the matter, even if he makes a mistake or spoils something. So let him fix it himself, or at least try, and then you can help him if necessary. The important thing is that you make him try and try until he can perform the task.

Let your child express his opinion:

Let him express his opinions in his own way and always respect his questions, and be careful to answer them properly and calmly, no matter how boring or unimportant the questions seem to you. Make him feel that his opinion and his words are important, and if he asks you a question at an inappropriate time for you, set another time with him to answer it and stick to the appointment.

Let him eat alone:

If Many mothers worry about the cleanliness of the house, so they try to feed the child for fear of scattering the food. you want your child to be independent, make him eat alone. Leave him to eat alone and prepare the place where he will eat so that it is easy for you to clean.

Never rush to solve your child's problems:

Always rushing at every opportunity to help your child does not teach him independence. On the contrary, it will teach him to always expect your help and to rely on you without thinking of solutions on his own. So try next time when your child is in trouble, to say to him: What is bothering you? If he needs help, help him, but do not offer him solutions.

Encourage him to make a decision:

Do not decide for your child, but rather help him think about the matter and the possible consequences of his choices so that he can make the best decisions. You can only help him and suggest to him, if he is older, that he write down the advantages and disadvantages that may result from each decision. The more the child trains, the more he will be able to make the decision. appropriate, which will make him more capable of receiving the upcoming turbulence of adolescence and dealing with them efficiently.

Teach him how to stand up after defeat:

Helping your child try to overcome defeats is an important part of the process of developing his self-reliance so that he can confront and deal with life’s obstacles that cannot be avoided without you always being by his side. Start by understanding his feelings when he is affected, and after that you must explain to him that defeat will not kill him and teach him. To say a positive phrase to himself whenever he makes a mistake, and also explain to your son that all people learn from their mistakes, then share with him some of your mistakes and how you dealt with them and learned from them.

Encourage him to integrate:

Encourage him to join sports clubs, preferably karate games, in order to teach self-defense arts, and try to integrate him into society and participate in activities, as your child needs to get out of his inner circle.

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