My child, good manners, and what I should teach him: How do I instill honesty in my child?? - Janatna

My child, good manners, and what I should teach him: How do I instill honesty in my child??

 Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, one of the most important things that we can instill in our children are good morals and wonderful human principles, and perhaps the most important of them is honesty. Encourage your child not to lie and reward him for honesty, as frankness and telling the truth are among the foundations of good morals. Also encourage him to be honest, empathic, and accepting differences with others. Dealing with those who differ from them with respect, affection, and compassion, and making no distinctions in treating children. Here, the value of justice and equality is firmly established. Also, teach him how to differentiate between right and wrong.

What is the environment in which my child learns good manners:

Love and more love:

It is difficult for a loving, cohesive family to bring out abnormal children into the world, and it is preferable to avoid giving orders in the form of a direct command. Rather, explanation and persuasion must be used, in addition to dealing with them with the utmost love and appreciation, and making them feel appreciated and grateful for their efforts or what they provide in their work or life


Paying attention to their interests:

We must pay attention to what children read and watch, and immediately address any wrong values ​​or concepts through discussion and explanation without using command and control, by clarifying the danger and the extent of its harm to the children, and conveying the correct information to them.

Don't bother, the child imitates his family:

He learns good morals and good behavior from his parents. The child will not lie unless he sees one of his parents lying to him or to others easily and without any moral deterrent. You must be a good role model for your child and be careful to show good morals in your work, your daily life, and your dealings with your children and with all your surroundings, whether Whether it is direct or indirect, and try to draw the child's attention to that.

Respect, then respect:

We must instill in our children the value of respect, which is the focus of morality. We respect ourselves by not indulging in wrong behaviors and respecting other people, such as respecting the elderly, as well as the surrounding environment.

Important steps to teach your child honesty:

Do not teach him fear:

The worst thing that can afflict a child is fear because the fearful person does not have the courage to confront or defend himself and his most basic rights. When he makes a mistake, do not overreact and teach him how to correct his mistake or how to avoid it next time in order to help him build a self-confident personality that is frank and honest in its positions. And its dealings.

Listen to him and believe him:

One of the most important pillars of the strength and strength of the relationship between a son and his parents is that we believe him and give him the opportunity to defend himself. This closes the distance between you and makes him feel that you trust him, so he will work hard to maintain your trust and a good relationship with you.

Praise him and praise him:

Children have special tricks that they use to escape from stressful situations or direct answers. Instead of your son resorting to this method, it is better to accustom him to honesty and frankness, and focus on the importance of supporting the honest person and rewarding him well, regardless of the consequences he may face because of his honesty and frankness. Praise him when he speaks the truth so that he learns honesty as a value and a principle that we adopt in our lives.

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