5 High Return Investments That Can Make A Fortune With Low Risk - Janatna

5 High Return Investments That Can Make A Fortune With Low Risk


Are you looking to make high return investments? And minimize your risks at the same time? How do you decide which one is best for you? Today I will help you clear the noise in the marketplace.

This is a burning question that I get asked every day.

What investments should I make?

I say…

It depends on what kind of investor you are.

You see…

It’s a matter of growth vs security. If you know how to properly manage your money like the rich, you may know this:

“Rule number one: Don’t lose money. Rule number two: Don’t forget rule number one.” - Warren Buffett

You know that you have to look for investments that provide a comfortable balance of high return and low risk. Low risk means that there is a reduced chance of losing your principal.

However, if you are looking to up your investment game…

You may want to know more about high return investments. And while making such investments you have to consider all the options available to you. Even the ones you may not have heard of before.

Today I am going to give you some options.

Ultimately, what you invest in depends on your:

    Likes and dislikes
    Strengths and weaknesses
    Investment amount

Always remember:

Rich people only invest in something they understand. Click To Tweet

What makes sense for me may not make sense for you. So, do your due diligence before you consider any of the high return investments that I am giving you.

You need to have clarity as an investor.

Don’t buy into the whole “get rich quick” or “you’re going to miss out” mentality. Anyone who does that is a very amateur investor.

But first, I want to clear something…
High Return Investments Do Not Have To Be High Risk

You know that not all investments are equal. No matter what type of investor you are…

When you think of high-return investments, you think there have to be a lot of risks involved.

Well, that does not have to be.

You’ve probably heard the following…

“If there’s no risk – there’s no reward.”

“You gotta go big, or go home.”

“You just gotta ride the wave.”

Let me give you an example…

Look at what happened to Blackberry stock in 2008 and you’ll know exactly what I mean.

Thousands had their portfolios decimated as Blackberry plunged from $138 dollars all the way down to a measly $7.50.

High return investments in Blackberry proved to be high risk

Yet at the time, no one would have thought twice about their investments.

Talk about risk.

Let me clear some common myths about High-Return Investing:

    You don’t need a lot of capital
    Can be done from anywhere in the world
    You don’t need to have a good credit record
    You don’t need to borrow money
    And you do not (and definitely shouldn’t) be taking on a lot of risks

With that said, let’s look at some high return investments that offer low risks:
1. Peer-to-Peer Lending

In P2P lending, borrowers and lenders connect on a platform. There are several P2P investment platforms available such as Lending Club and Prosper.

You directly connect with borrowers and fund loans to them. Banks do not get involved here.

Borrowers can make an application for loans anonymously. They prefer these platforms because they have to pay lower interest rates compared to banks.

You as an investor can get higher returns than what you can get with traditional investing.

And you can select from hundreds of different loans you want to invest in. Loans are graded from the high-rated to lower-rated.

The higher-rated loans pay lower interest rates.

You can decide on borrowers based on:

    Minimum credit score
    Minimum debt-to-income ratio
    Loan term
    Loan type

Once you lend money…

The borrower will make monthly payments (the principal and interest) to you.

This will be done within your investment account on the platform. Returns can be anywhere between 6%-36%.

You need to invest a minimum of $25 as individual loans. These platforms offer you to diversify your investment.

So let’s say…

You decide to invest $10k. That means you can fund 400 separate loans if you wish to.

This minimizes the impact of a default associated with any given loan.

Lending Club claims to have provided historical returns of 4.83% to 6.37%.
2. Dividend-Paying Stocks

You have two different ways to make money in the stock market.

One way is through appreciation – an increase in the stock price. For example, you buy stock for $100 and it goes up to $150. That’s appreciation.

Then there are dividend-paying stocks. This investment gives you the option to participate in capital gains. Dividend income and capital gains combined can be high return investments in the long-term.

What’s more…

A high dividend makes it easier for you to hold a stock through a declining market. Because you receive regular cash flow from the dividend.


You’re investing money in the stocks that pay you even if the stock doesn’t make any money.

So let’s say…

If you buy a stock for $10 a share and its value remains the same for the entire year…

You still get paid in the form of dividends when a company reaches a point where they are cash solvent.

For high return investments, look at stocks that have a history of increasing their dividend over time.

These are called Dividend Aristocrats. It’s an index of 57 S&P 500 companies that have raised their payouts annually for at least 25 years.

Here are 10 that offered a projected upside of at least 10% in 2020.

To reduce risk, you could go with companies that have never decreased their dividend in the last 60 years.

That is historically they have proved to do so. There’s no guarantee that they will not in the future.
3. Preferred Stocks

These are a special type of stock. Unlike common stocks, they are high return investments.

But, you don’t get any voting rights. So when it comes time for a company to vote on any form of corporate policy, preferred shareholders have no voice in the future of the company.

However, you have a higher claim on the company’s earnings and assets.

Hence, when a company declares a dividend, preferred stockholders get paid first i.e. before the common stockholders.

And if a company is liquidated and after the bondholders and creditors are paid…

Preferred stockholders are paid ahead of common stockholders.

In other words, these are high return investments with lower risk because there’s more assurance you’ll receive the dividends.

Think of it this way…

Preferred stocks are a cross between common stocks and bonds. Because preferred stocks have a more predictable dividend income. They have a certain dividend level.

If you buy a common stock you get returns (dividends) only after a declaration by the company board. They may even reduce or remove the dividends entirely.

On the other hand…

Let’s assume you have a preferred stock with a stated annual dividend of $10 per year.

You will receive the $10 per share dividend each year before the common stockholders can receive any returns. But you will get no more than the $10 dividend, even if the corporation’s net income increases multiple times.
4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

Real estate is what we call a hard asset. It has the potential to perform well even when the financial markets are fluctuating.

Now you may not be ready or have the desire to take on the work of a landlord. But, you can still invest in real estate.

That’s where REITs come in. They give you the chance to invest in real estate without the hands-on work.

Sites like Fundrise allow you to collectively invest in real estate properties. It’s like crowdsourcing with real estate investing.

You can choose to invest in a single property or in various real estate developments.

What’s more…

Often you get better returns over the long-term. Think of REITs as mutual funds that invest in real estate.

You can even do it with a small investment (say $1,000).

Hence, REITs can be excellent high-return investments with low-risk.

Because they pay dividends and receive special tax treatment.

REITs tend to have more stable values than stocks. And like dividend-paying stocks, they add the potential for capital appreciation to regular dividend income.

They pay at least 90% of its revenue in dividends to its shareholders. Those dividends are tax-deductible, enabling the REIT to minimize or even eliminate income taxes.

Returns can be in excess of 10%. Therefore, making them a great source of regular income.

You can invest in REITs directly, or trade on major exchanges. Like exchange-traded funds (ETFs) which hold positions in several REITs at a time.

You can buy and sell positions when you decide it is appropriate for you.
5. Tax Lien Certificates

When you buy a Tax Lien Certificate, you are in effect paying someone else’s property taxes for them.

You see…

In several counties and municipalities in the United States, local governments have millions of dollars outstanding in overdue property taxes.

These overdue taxes are from property owners who will not or cannot pay their property taxes.

And to fund the daily services of police, fire, hospitals, schools, roads, etc., the local governments need this money.

When you pay these taxes, the government gives you the right to receive all of the outstanding tax money due. Along with the fees, high interest, and penalties.

In a sense, it’s like a mortgage.

These Tax Lien Certificates are secured by the real estate they’re attached to.

So you are not actually buying the real estate. You are just buying the government’s lien on the real estate.

Basically, to encourage taxpayers to pay their property taxes on time…

The government charges high-interest rates which are passed directly to you.

To pay you back, you receive government-guaranteed checks of 16%, 18%, up to 36% interest. And these are paid directly to you.

Think of it this way…

You are receiving a continual, high-rate income from the government.

You can buy Tax Lien Certificates secured by different properties. And in different locations in the same state, or in different states.

There are thousands of these available at different price points. It could be as low as $50 and as much as $1,000 or much more.

These certificates are so lucrative that I call them…
The Wealth Builders Of The 21st Century

Tax Lien Certificates - High Return Investments

As an investor, I don’t like leaving things to chance. I make an investment only when I know all the angles.

Among all the high return investments that offer low risk, I found Tax Lien Certificates to be one of the best.


Because Tax Lien Certificates offer benefits that I couldn’t find elsewhere.

What I especially love about Tax lien certificates:

    They are very easy to buy.
    They are recession-proof.
    The law protects the money.
    The high-interest returns you get are mandated by state law.
    They don’t rise and fall like the stock market. You get returns regardless of market fluctuation.
    They are hidden from the general public.

One thing I particularly love about these certificates…

It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of capital, to begin with.

It’s the most democratic of investments. Allowing any investor to become a high-return investor.

Once you know about these little known high return investments…

And learn to take advantage of them – you’ll wonder why no one else is doing the same.

You’ll wonder why anyone would even bother with the roller-coaster ride of forex trading or the stock market.

But, as I have advised you before…
Investigate Before You Invest

I have wanted to bring this information out to a new audience for quite some time. I decided it’s high time people got to know about these high return investments.

This way you would know about this little known investment which the institutions themselves use to make money.

Most importantly, I wanted to teach you how to use this investment to your maximum advantage.

Now, you may be wondering…

Why are these high return investments so little known?

You see…

The answer is quite simple: stockbrokers, financial planners, and bankers can’t make commissions on them.

And once you know the opportunities out there…

You’ll probably never want to invest your excess money in your bank again.

Most bankers take the money you give them and use these same strategies to reap the high yield returns.

And what do you get? A lousy 1% return.

So they’re basically using your money AND these strategies…

To make themselves a fortune. That’s why they pray these high return investments are not revealed to anyone.

But, these investments are nothing new. They are just not common knowledge.

They have been a proven investment strategy for years. These principles have existed for hundreds of years.

All wealthy people have been using these secrets for decades.

And we have decided to reveal it all in an event called the Secrets of the Rich, which occurred in February23-24, 2020. This was where we offered in-depth knowledge about these high return investments.


This way you can investigate this investment further. Have a “dry run” so to speak.
Uncovering The Secrets Of The Rich

Ask yourself…

What it would mean to you if you could make high return investments without the typical risks?

Certainly, it would give you a predictable and sustainable way to grow your net worth. And you will ultimately be able to build yourself the lifestyle you want.

There are high return investments with virtually no-risk (we’re going to teach you how) that will always help you be able to “look before you leap”.

With these investments, you’ll be able to strategically grow your net worth.

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