Star gates
What are the star gates, what is the truth about their existence, and where are the star gates located?
Falling into a different dimension is an ancient idea through which philosophers, then physicists, tried to explain mysterious disappearances, define stellar portals and the truth about their existence!
In a statement by a German physicist named Wilhelm Edonff, he claims that things that are lost forever have fallen into a spatial and temporal dimension other than the one in which we live.
To understand this idea in a simplified way, I point out that our ordinary life is governed by three main dimensions: time, space, and the body itself.
For example, you may be in a specific place, such as an airport, at a known time - the arrival of the plane - to receive a relative of yours - the target in question - and if one of you happens to violate the temporal or spatial distance, or your relative dies before boarding the plane... it is natural that you will not see him, hear him, or know anything about him. Of course, things become more complicated when other dimensions enter that we may not know anything about.
In addition to this, the confinement of our senses to a certain range prevents us from perceiving any other worlds that may differ from our familiar material world.
Our sight and hearing, for example, only perceive a narrow range of what is happening around us. For this reason, we are unable, for example, to see the jinn or hear their voices... due to the difference in dimensions and the shortcomings of the senses... while they may be seen and heard by creatures other than us, as stated in some narratives.
Today, many scholars believe in the possibility of a gap or the opening of a portal between two different worlds. Some of them believe that the appearance of jinn and ghosts and the possibility of seeing them in certain circumstances occurs thanks to their entry into our material world through a spatial or temporal gap. And such a gap may exist permanently in a place. Certain, inhabited sites, or they form temporarily in one of the new sites under special circumstances. Their appearance or crystallization in a specific site may explain not only the disappearance of material things forever, but also the disappearance of creatures and humans without a trace. In 2001, for example, a mission from the United Nations went to A village called “Somoto” in northern Congo to provide medical aid to it. Although the houses were intact, the stoves were burning, and animals were roaming around the place, the mission did not find any trace of the residents, not even a single corpse. 5,000 individuals, including children, the elderly, and women, simply disappeared, and no trace of them was discovered. until today .
As for China, 3,000 soldiers disappeared outside the city of Yanqin during World War II after entering a large fog. In Russia, 112 soldiers disappeared after landing at Norsvik station in November 1945. On February 3, 1965, the Brazilian government sent a mission to search for a colony called Hollerverda. They disappeared entirely in the Amazon forests, and this incident was the reason for the failure of the Brazilian government's program to settle the Amazon.
As for the field of astronomy, everyone has become convinced of the existence of space wormholes, entering which leads to us appearing in completely different places. These wormholes are cosmic holes in which the balance of space and time is disturbed and act as portals to distant space worlds. In the future, scientists hope to use these paths to travel to any place. In the universe in the blink of an eye instead of traveling billions of light years in the traditional way.
What is strange is the Illuminati’s icon of the star gate, and how the Pentagon building itself is designed on it... as well as the Illuminati forums in the world... and other basic centers and energy centers spread across the planet Earth.
What is even more surprising is the presence of ancient hieroglyphic texts that talk about similar space paths called “star gates”. These texts indicate that the wise Amenhotep built a similar gate on Earth that he used to travel to distant planets and return from them after a short time. This is the same idea that Hollywood borrowed before. Years to make a film and then a series with the same title.
Was the stargate invented by the ancient Egyptians?
There is a strange claim about the origin of Egyptian civilization. Although Egyptian civilization dates back to five thousand years BC, it possesses advanced technologies and knowledge, some of which remain mysterious to this day. It seems that this progress was more than some Western historians could bear. They claimed that it was A civilization transported from outer space..
Star gates |
According to their claim, the ancient Egyptians took their knowledge from wise men who came from other planets. And these wise men taught them astronomy, mummification, building pyramids, and advanced mathematics. They cite drawings and maps that the ancient Egyptians left on papyrus papers. They also cite what the Egyptians themselves say about the chief god, Ra. "
“Ra” is basically a mysterious character. Legends claim that he descended from space and taught the ancient Egyptians everything. “Ra” used to ascend and descend to the sky through a strange portal resembling a star portal. With days, the Egyptians took him as the leader of the gods, and every king became called the son of the god. Ra.
These wondrous myths - not to mention the ancient Egyptian secrets - suggested that the Egyptian civilization had a cosmic origin. In fact, a historian called “Lan Pinkett” even accused the Egyptian government of hiding a group of star gates and concealing the second date for Ra’s return. This claim was mentioned in a book. The stragate Conspiracy-Lunn Picknett..
There are dark objects in the universe called black holes, and a black hole is a dead star that has been compressed to a small size. This extraordinary compression creates a tremendous gravitational force that devours everything that passes near it and hides it in its interior. The reason for calling it “black holes” is that it sucks in even light. Anyone who passes near it disappears into its center forever.
The extraordinary force of attraction that black holes have creates a disruption in time and space that can transport objects passing through them to a completely new and different world.
This means that black holes are real star gates... and they are what may turn the ancient Egyptian myth into a potential technology.
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