Your intense fear for your child will harm him and reduce his chances of independence and success in his life - Janatna

Your intense fear for your child will harm him and reduce his chances of independence and success in his life

 Welcome, dear visitors to my child’s world. Helicopter parents are a term given by psychologists to parents who monitor their children every minute and interfere in every moment of their children’s lives. They hunt for mistakes and monitor every whisper, every facial expression, and every resentment. They go to extremes in correcting wrong behaviors and never stop criticizing. They never let the child choose or do anything on his own, so a feeling of helplessness takes root in him and grows with him, telling him that he cannot do anything alone without his parents, and that he will inevitably make mistakes and mess things up, making his parents angry with him, as happens all the time.

He grows up as a very weak, hypersensitive child who lacks self-confidence, who always needs someone to guide him and someone to tell him the next step. He does not try new things, does not make decisions, cannot form relationships, and is simply completely unqualified to go through life alone.
So always remember that too much attention, even if it is love, is fatal. If it is beneficial in excess, it becomes corrupt. If something exceeds its limit, it turns into its opposite.

Our role is not to protect our children from life, but rather our role is to teach them how to live it, how to face it without fear, how to triumph after defeat, how to succeed after failure, how wounds heal, and how pain goes away so that God grants us healing. Of course, this does not mean neglecting them or leaving them to face destruction. Rather, what is required is balance, self-awareness, and certainty that they are human beings, and humans make mistakes and make mistakes, and they must make mistakes in order to know how to do things right.

What should we apply in order to raise in balance??

Excessive worry about a child’s future during his teenage years does not help you deal with him well. Therefore, learn to calm down and do not pass on your anxiety to your son, as a person may change in an instant.
- Assign your children tasks.
- Ask them for their opinion and be gentle.
- Hold them responsible for what is at home, teach them how to do it, and then just observe.
- Take them with you to markets and visits.
- Tell them what social boundaries are and what religious prohibitions are.
- Tell them lots of stories.
- Be proud of their achievements.
- Do not exaggerate in punishment, and do not punish every mistake.
- Do not catch mistakes and do not criticize them, but rather direct their attention towards the correct behavior.
- They developed a sense of vigilant conscience, God-watching, and self-control, as this is what lasts.
 Preventing a child from doing something he loves out of fear for him will most likely push him to do it away from his parents’ eyes, so be sure to engage in dialogue and allow for experimentation and discovery instead of deprivation.

- Give him some freedom in his actions, even if he makes a mistake in something, let him complete it and see its result (while you are watching him), and when he finishes, talk to him about the action and the result.

- Make him feel that you are with him always and forever, supporting him in everything, and there is no reason to be afraid of anything at all, no matter what it is. A sense of reassurance is important for children as it is for adults, but do not carry out tasks that he must carry out. Get him used to relying on himself and being independent little by little.

Enjoy your children while they are young. The days will pass quickly, and all that will remain of their innocence and childhood are just memories of their playing. Laugh with them, joke with them, go out with them. Be like children among them and combine education and literature with amusement and play. Your preoccupation with your son when he is young will make him turn to those who listen to him outside the family walls, and they are often a disaster for him.

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