What is heliophobia or sunphobia? - Janatna

What is heliophobia or sunphobia?


Heliophobia is the fear of the sun, sunlight or any bright light, and it is a special type of phobia .

- the reasons :

This type of phobia is considered like other types of phobias and may result from a painful experience in the past, such as severe sunstroke.

The Pacific Health Center indicated that these people prefer to stay away from the sun's rays due to their fears of developing skin cancer, and this is not considered a phobia of the sun. It is a temporary and illogical solution for the person to develop skin cancer. Therefore, obsessive-compulsive disorder includes any intense fear that if the person is exposed to the sun's rays, Sun or bright light, it is possible to develop sunphobia.

It is worth noting that the types of heliophobia depend on irrational fears, in general, fear of people during gatherings or a feeling of paralysis when a person is exposed to bright light. Therefore, the person suffering from heliophobia feels uncomfortable going to those places and does not go out during the day and also does not go to places where he is Most active people.

Heliophobia or fear of the sun

There are medical conditions such as keratoconus (which means an eye disorder that results in severe visual sensitivity if the person is exposed to sunlight or any bright light) and also cutaneous progressive keratoconus, which causes excessive skin sensitivity when exposed to sunlight, which may also cause blisters to appear in the affected person. If the person begins to feel pain and discomfort from bright light, this indicates that he has developed sunphobia.

- Archaeology :

People who suffer from sun phobia may stay away from the sun for long periods of time, wear sun-protective clothing or carry sun umbrellas when going out during the day, or simply not go out at all when the sun is bright. People who suffer from sun phobia often stay indoors more than people who suffer from sun phobia. Normal people who do not suffer from this phobia, as this makes them more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency, isolation, feelings of alienation from others, and constantly sitting in a dark place. However, it is possible for vitamin D deficiency to be treated by taking vitamin D supplements or foods that contain it. That vitamin.



The symptoms of heliophobia depend on the person himself. There are people who suffer moderately from discomfort, unsteadiness, nausea, and numbness, and there are people who suffer severely, as they feel anxiety and panic attacks. Other symptoms include heightened senses, an inability to concentrate, a feeling of disability, an irregular heartbeat, and a thirst for air. Rapid breathing, dryness in the mouth, a feeling of sweating, muscle spasms, and also physical discomfort that does not occur due to physical injuries, but rather is a physical manifestation of panic and fear. This physical pain can be expressed, for example: the illusory feeling that the skin is burning when exposed to the sun directly, and even when that is the case. This is not true. A person with sun phobia sees the skin burning and also feels severe pain when exposed to the sun, but this is not true.

- treatment :


Sun phobia can be treated using psychotherapy, such as talking to the patient, confronting the patient, self-help techniques, joining support groups, or cognitive behavioral therapy. There are also relaxation techniques. As for people who suffer from strong sun phobia, they are advised to take anti-anxiety medications.

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