What did researchers find in the tomb of Jesus Christ... after years of negotiating its opening?
What did researchers find in the tomb of Jesus Christ:
What did researchers find when opening the alleged tomb of Jesus Christ, according to Christian belief? In October 2016, the marble cover was lifted for the first time from the tomb of Jesus Christ, where he lay for three days after his crucifixion - according to Christian belief - to reveal the grave in which he was buried.
No one had examined the tomb before it was opened, as arduous negotiations took place to carry out this exploration process. So what was found or what is in the tomb of Jesus Christ?
Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem |
Frederick Hibbert, an archaeologist with National Geographic, participated in the restoration project for the tomb located inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
Hebert explains that the shrine was destroyed more than once by fire, earthquakes, and invasions over the centuries, “and we did not really know whether they built it in the same place every time.”
The site was in dire need of restoration, but the matter required the approval of three clerics, and accordingly negotiations began in 1959, to take a decision from a committee called the “Status Quo Committee” to approve the restoration of the tomb until it was opened for the first time in 2016.
The marble covering was raised in the presence of representatives of the Greek and Armenian Orthodox churches and Franciscan friars, and Hibbert says that the idea that “we are finally allowed to carry out this work is a victory in the negotiation.”
What was found in the tomb of Jesus Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Old Jerusalem in Palestine:
Calvary Rock:
First, the tomb of Jesus Christ is located inside a small building known as the Edicul that was found inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and around it was built the foundation stone where Christ was buried, which is known as the “Rock of Calvary.”
A ladder that is 240 years old:
The researchers also found a staircase at the main entrance to the tomb that had not moved from its place for 240 years, so it was called the fixed staircase.
He discovered the presence of a slab - or shelf - of limestone, and it is believed that it is the place on which the body of Jesus Christ once lay.
It took about 60 hours to remove the dust, collect the tiles, and document the process.
Engraved cross:
The Mirror quoted Hibbert as saying that the most amazing thing for him was when they removed the first layer of dust and found underneath it a second piece of marble, and right in the middle of it was a cross engraved with wonderful carvings that they knew nothing about.
Researchers believe that the cross was carved by the Crusaders who came to the city in the twelfth century. “When we realized the value of what we had found, my knees were shaking a little,” Hibbert says.
Limestone cave:
Historians throughout history believed that the cave's features had been obliterated a long time ago, but researchers discovered that the walls of the cave were still standing and connected behind marble panels of the room containing the tomb.
There are no bones or artifacts. According to the researchers, there were no bones or artifacts in the grave.
Who built the tomb?
According to National Geographic, the latest dating results link the construction of the tomb to the era of Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor.
In November 2017, National Geographic published a report that revealed more information about the Holy Sepulcher.
He confirmed that the remains of the limestone cave preserved inside the church are the remains of the tomb whose location was determined by the Romans, and that the tiles collected from between the limestone surface of the tomb and the marble slab date back to the year 345 AD. The marble cover covering the burial bed was installed in 1555, and it is believed that it was preserved until the fourteenth century.
Business Insider indicated that the cave is believed to be 1,700 years old, after scientists analyzed the chemicals in the remains to discover its age.
The National Geographic Museum in Washington created a 3D exhibition called “The Tomb of Christ, Experience the Church of the Holy Sepulcher” in November 2017, and continued until January 2018.
The exhibition allowed visitors to see the scanners used to preserve the historic site and record everything about it, and visitors had the opportunity to learn about the restoration project that took place in 2016.
In conclusion, God Almighty says * “When God said, ‘O Jesus, I will cause you to die and raise you to Me and purify you from those who disbelieve.’”
Indeed, the likeness of Jesus in the sight of God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and he was (59)’ [Surat Al Imran]’
And when God said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as two gods besides God?’” He said, Glory be to You, it is not for me to say what is mine. Ask me truly. If I said it, then you know it. You know what is in my soul, but I do not know what is in your soul. Indeed, you are the Knower of the unseen. 116)' [Surat Al-Ma'idah] * God Almighty has spoken the truth ●
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