Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, one of the very important things in raising children that we must be careful about is developing their imagination and creativity. This is one of the very, very important skills for the child that must be polished and helped to develop. This does not only help them in their childhood, but it also benefits them. In their future. This is what we will discuss in this topic and we will suggest to you some of the most important ideas that will help you develop these skills in your children.

Some simple but very effective ideas in developing my child’s imagination and creativity:
1. Play pretend play with your child:
This game develops imagination, language, and social intelligence. It also closes the distance between you and your child and makes your child very happy. There is nothing more beloved to a child than having one of his parents live with him in his small imaginary world. For example, if you see your child picking up a small stone and moving it around like a car, pick up something similar and start imitating it and notice how happy and enthusiastic he is. You can, for example, set a frame for the game, such as saying to him, “Today we will play the kitchen game and pretend to cook the food and eat it, and that the food is very hot, and so on,” or play the castle game. Or custody and exchange of roles.
2. Ask your child questions that seem illogical to us and ask him to answer them:
For example, ask him questions such as:
Through these questions, the child's imaginative impulse will overwhelm the child, his mind will be activated to a very large extent, and thoughts will multiply on his mind at the same time. This is very useful for him in imagining things and events that never happened in the first place, and sometimes never occurred to you at all. You can designate a notebook to record questions and answers, and over time you will be surprised by the results.
3. Play the game of describing things with your child:
It is mainly based on describing things and events that we do not see now and do not exist in front of us, which helps in developing the child’s imagination. For example, you ask your child to describe to you the shape of a lion, or the shape of a giraffe, or to describe the way to the nursery, or to describe the shape of an egg, or to describe a plane or a car, or to describe the shape of a supermarket, and so on.
4. Read to your child:
The more a child reads, the more his imagination grows and his awareness expands. Additionally, reading helps develop and build awareness, curiosity, memory, and improve comprehension abilities. Most important of all is that someone who is accustomed to this habit when he is young is the person most likely to continue it as an adult.
5. Tell your child a bedtime story:
One of the most important times to read stories to children is before they sleep, as it makes them imagine the events and reconstruct them while they sleep. It is scientifically proven that the last thing your brain receives before sleeping is what it automatically repeats until you wake up. Therefore, choose well what you read to your child according to his age and his ability to understand and comprehend.
6. Do some arts and crafts activities with your child:
Arts and crafts help the child:
7. Make your child an imagination box:
Bring an old box and put empty boxes, old clothes, hats, wallets, phones, magazines, pieces of cloth, cards, cooking utensils, old dishes, and other items. This box will represent the fertile ground from which you will start implementing the pretend game we mentioned.
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