Types of ants
The world of ants is wide, complex, and exciting with its types and genera and how they reproduce, work, and live in the universe.
Ants are among the most organized creatures in general, and insects in particular. Ants live in very organized dwellings or colonies, where ants occupy large areas of land and live in colonies that they build with their knowledge. Everyone inside the colony has a role to play to the fullest, and the goal is the general interest of the colony.
Most organized organisms |
Copy ants:
The length of the copying ant is approximately 6 mm. This type of ant builds its kingdom from tree leaves in one place so that the ants can glue them together in a shuttle manner out of concern for the future of the kingdom. The copying ant lives in cooperation, harmony and complete organization within its kingdom until the end of its life.
The White Termite :
live Termites in colonies that they build, and they may be similar to a city or valley for ants, as the Holy Qur’an calls it. Most of the cities of this type of ants are built underground with homes and houses interspersed with crossings and roads, and each ant knows its way to its home with a strange and wondrous feeling. Glory be to the Creator, the creative photographer.
One of the termite buildings |
It is one of the most harmful insects to humans, as it destroys leaves, buildings, wood, clothes, and wooden furniture through cellulose, which is found in almost all human uses. Cellulose is one of the most abundant chemical compounds available on the planet Earth, and it is a carbohydrate.
Honey ants:
There is a type of ants called honey ants. The reason for this name is that the ants feed on the droppings of some insects parasitizing on plant leaves. The droppings of these insects are rich in sugary nectar. Honey ants carry the sugary waste they take or absorb to their colony and store it in a strange and strange way. Its stomach, not to eat it, but to feed other ants during the summer season when there is drought. This type of ant, as it is called the benevolent ant, does not feed its children, for example, but rather carries honey to feed those in need of ants, as if it were a honey tank for all the ants. Glory be to God Almighty.
Honey ants live in the arid desert with dry weather. The honey ant is considered the only source of food for other ants, without any emotional relationship. Rather, it feeds other ants without any compensation. Scientists who conducted careful research on this type of ants on the ground say that Honey ants are considered a source of food for ants and even for some animals that live in the desert, and the matter becomes even more strange when we learn that this small ant that carries honey in its stomach also provides it to humans, as the indigenous people eat it and eat it with what is in it, as if it were sweets or honey stored in wax.
Honey ants are found in abundance in the deserts of Australia. “And there is no living creature on earth except that God provides for it.” God Almighty has spoken the truth.
As for how ants obtain honey, it is a divine will. After rainfall, a large amount of nectar collects on desert plants, which are by nature ephemeral, and in light of these difficult living conditions in the arid desert, which is extremely humid and extremely hot.
Ants store honey by feeding nectar to a group of volunteer workers . After this complex process, the honey is transferred to the ant’s abdomen until its abdomen swells and becomes the size of a grape. The ants live in cells similar to the cells in which bees live, with the difference being that the ants make their own hives. About 25-30 ants live in each room of the hive. What is strange is that the ants live in the upside down position, so the ant is attached with its strong legs to the ceiling of the room in an upside down position. If one of them falls for any reason, the worker ants rush to attach it again.
Honey ants |
The important stage in the life of honey ants comes in the dry season, when the rest of the ants visit these living and mobile stores and take their daily needs of sugar in a unique way. The hungry ant attaches its mouth to the mouth of the swollen ant, and then the latter shrinks its abdomen to release a single drop into the mouth of the other hungry ant. .
These ants (honey ants) sacrifice a lot in order to store food for others, as the weight of the sugar solution that each ant carries is eight times heavier than the weight of the ant itself. In addition, the honey ant remains attached by its legs to the ceiling, that is, upside down, and remains that way for a very long time. Of course, this type of ants has a huge nutritional value, which makes it vulnerable to many attacks by ants of other types, as greed is an instinct in animals like humans.
Killer ants:
The killer ant, on the contrary, is the honey ant, or as it can be defined as the good ant, we find the evil ant or the ant known as the killer ant.
Butcher ants |
Killer ants are known for their extreme aggression because they launch raids on neighboring ant colonies, which are often honey ants. They not only plunder their contents, but also kill their queens. Then they take a number of those ants and force them to work as their slaves for the rest of their lives.
We add: Did you know that ants have a sting or a bite that secretes poison like a bee?!
Ant venom: Ant venom is characterized by the fact that it contains what is known as formic acid, which is a toxic substance that causes harm to humans if they are exposed to a sting from this type of ant.
There are types of ants that live in central Africa and their sting is considered fatal to humans, such as mitten ants (which jump) and bullet ants. An antidote to their venom has been developed to save humans who are exposed to ant stings. In contrast, there are some types of ants that humans benefit from their stings.
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