Mistakes and behaviors of our children: When do we consider a child’s mistake to be a problem that needs to be treated??
Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, there is no doubt that mistakes happen all the time because we are human beings and we have to accept that, and therefore we have to accept the mistakes of our children and teach them how to correct the mistake instead of blaming them, so they blame themselves later and fall into the same trap that we ourselves are struggling to escape from. All the time the trap of idealism and self-blame. Likewise, a distinction must be made while it is wrong and it is natural to happen, and while it is harmful behavior, it is considered a problem and needs treatment by the people of remembrance and specialists.
What happens in the souls of our children when we punish them wrongly?
1- Resentment:
2- Revenge:
3. Rebellion:
4. Evasion:
5. Decline in self-esteem:
How much time do we need for our child to get rid of his bad habits that we helped build in his diary and behavior??
When do we consider a child’s behavior to be a problem that needs to be treated??
Parents may seek urgent psychological counseling regarding their child’s behavior and believe that their child’s behavior is abnormal, either due to their ignorance of the nature of the child’s development or out of extreme concern for the child’s safety and fear of diseases and psychological disorders. The child's behavior may be normal and normal depending on the stage he is going through, so it is very important to know when your son's behavior is normal or satisfactory??
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