Is the planet Venus suitable for life?! Information about the planet Venus - Janatna

Is the planet Venus suitable for life?! Information about the planet Venus

 There has always been talk about the possibility of humans moving to Mars, which is the next planet to Earth, but what about the twin planet, which is also the planet adjacent to Earth but preceding it? Is Venus suitable for life?

The planet Venus has an atmosphere that rotates rapidly and constantly, and this is what causes the planet to rotate. Were it not for this rotation, the planet Venus would be restricted in a position that always faces the sun with one side, just as the moon faces the planet Earth.

The gravity of large objects can prevent smaller objects from rotating, and this phenomenon is called “the phenomenon of range restriction or simultaneous rotation,” but the atmosphere of Venus slows down this restriction.

The study was led by Stephen Kane, an astrophysicist at the University of California, and published in the Journal of Natural Astronomy. The study showed that the atmosphere is the most important factor in studies of Venus and other planets.

Information about Venus and Earth

We may think that the atmosphere is a thin layer on top of the planet and has little interaction with the solid planet, but the atmosphere of Venus is an active part linked to the planet and affects everything, even the speed of the planet’s rotation.

It takes Venus 243 Earth days to complete one revolution around the sun, while its atmosphere revolves around it every 4 days.

Fast winds cause the atmosphere to be pulled along the surface of the planet during its rotation, which leads to slowing down the rotation and loosening the grip of the sun’s gravity. The slow rotation has severe effects on the climate of Venus, as the average temperature reaches 480 degrees Celsius, which is a temperature sufficient to melt lead.

Ken said that standing on the surface of Venus is like standing at the bottom of an ocean that is too hot to breathe.

One of the reasons for this heat is that the atmosphere absorbs almost all of the sun’s energy absorbed by the planet and prevents it from leaving the planet so that it never reaches the surface, which prevents cooling and the presence of liquid water on the surface, what is known as “runaway global warming.”

The puzzling question is: Does the partial confinement state of Venus also contribute to global warming, making it uninhabitable for life?

Many of the planets expected to be observed using the newly launched James Webb Space Telescope are closer to the Sun than Venus and are therefore expected to experience range-limiting.

Studying the effects of range-limiting is important, which may help understand the factors that contributed to the runaway global warming on Venus and improve models of Earth's climate.

Ken said: “Studying Venus represents an opportunity to correct models of Planet Earth and understand the properties of other planets and study them properly. The primary motivation for studying Planet Venus is to better understand Planet Earth.”

A recent scientific study in which the authors used an advanced climate model concluded that the planet Venus never formed an incubating environment for the oceans, in results that would weaken the hypothesis that the Earth’s twin planet (Venus) may have harbored life.

Astrophysicist and climatologist Martin Torbet of the Astronomical Observatory at the University of Geneva explained to Agence France-Presse, saying, “We may have underestimated the difficulty of oceans appearing on planets such as Earth, Venus, or even exoplanets.”

It has become known, for example, thanks to probes and exploration missions that Mars had large bodies of water, but the surface of Venus, which is hidden by dense clouds of sulfuric acid droplets, remains largely a mystery.

The enormous pressure that prevails there, which is more than 90 times higher than on Earth, and the enormous temperatures exceeding 470 degrees Celsius, have increased the difficulty of the work of the rare probes that were able to land there.

However, a 2016 study wondered whether Venus might have formed a habitable environment, assuming that its own cloud cover had long protected hypothetical bodies of water.

However, the study, the results of which were recently published in the journal "Nature" and signed by "Martin Torbet" with a team of scientists from his university, the astrophysics laboratories in Bordeaux, and the French "Latmos" laboratory specializing in the atmosphere, raises doubts about this scenario.

How were the oceans formed and settled on the surface of Venus?

To answer this question, we must know how we moved from an extremely hot planet where all the water available in the atmosphere was in the form of steam to a planet where steam could form oceans through “condensation by cooling.”

The Sun heated water vapor in the atmosphere of Venus to a very high temperature to allow clouds to form by condensation. By protecting the sunny side of the planet, clouds may have allowed the atmosphere to cool enough to cause water vapor to condense and thus form oceans.

Also, the air masses heated by the sun on the day side moved to the night side of the planet, and there they formed clouds at high altitudes, which prevented the cooling of the atmosphere of Venus.

Why did Earth not suffer the same fate as Venus, which is of the same size?

"Torbet" said that when the Sun was younger, four billion years ago, it was 25% to 30% less luminous than it is today, and the temperature with which the Sun bathed the planet was low enough to allow water vapor to condense and form oceans. The planet Venus received The one closest to the sun at that time has levels of exposure to sunlight nearly double, which is too high a level to allow such a phenomenon to occur.

Torbet points out that the results of this study carry a small surprise!!

With much higher levels of solar radiation today, if we evaporated the Earth's oceans, this would be a stable state. In other words: we would be swimming in oceans of water vapor, where any condensation is unlikely to occur. Slightly higher levels of warmth in the Sun billions of years ago would have prevented the emergence of oceans, preventing Doubt without the appearance of life forms.

The climate model adopted in this study will be used to study exoplanets that belong to other solar systems, but while waiting, it complicates the hypothesis of the emergence of life on Venus.

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