6 foods you must avoid if you want to lose belly fat - Janatna

6 foods you must avoid if you want to lose belly fat


Do you want to get rid of your belly fat but don’t know what to do? Wondering what to eat and what not to? Well, for a flat tummy, you just need to adhere to a healthy and sustainable eating habit. Here, we give you a list of foods that you must avoid if you want to shed unwanted weight around your central belly. Also Read - Brown fat may protect you against cardiac, metabolic conditions: How is it different from white fat?

Potato chips: Stop eating unhealthy snacks especially the salty potato chips. And, if they catch your attention every now and then, try to remember that they are loaded with highly unhealthy hydrogenated oils that make the boy’s cholesterol level high leading to heart disease. Also, they are packed with sodium because of which your body will hold water weight. Also Read - Soft Belly Fat vs Hard Belly Fat: Which is more difficult to lose and why?

Dairy products: Avoiding or limiting dairy products like cow’s milk, cheese, and yogurt can be extremely beneficial as it will help you lose some of your stubborn belly fat. However, if you find it unavoidable, try its alternatives like lactose-free or nut milk. Also Read - Weight loss: Reset these hormones to lose stubborn belly fat

Baking goods: If you want to help your belly shrink, must show an exit gate to the baked goods. These are high in carbohydrates and are packed with refined sugars and preservatives. Also, these are low in nutritional value.

Sodas: Aiming to lose weight and not keeping a check on what you drink? Well, that’s not going to help. You must be aware that sugary beverages like soda contribute to increased belly fat. Added sugar can never do a favor to your body’ health.

Fried foods: Any possible attempt to shed weight will be in vain if you are still stuck to the greasy fast foods. They only increase the unhealthy cholesterol level in the body which can potentially clog your arteries eventually.

Alcohol: If your health is your priority, alcohol should be nowhere in your list of beverages. Drinking leads to dehydration and water retention. And, water-weight is of no good use. It will leave you feeling puffy and bloated. Also, alcohols are full of sugary contents and low in nutrients.

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