Causes of family disintegration and solutions - Janatna

Causes of family disintegration and solutions

The problem of family disintegration is one of the biggest problems that have begun to invade our Arab homes to a large extent recently, which we will discuss in the following research on family disintegration, its causes, its impact on society, on children, and possible solutions to avoid it.

Definition of family disintegration:

We can define family disintegration as the distance of members of one family from each other, and their lack of connection to sensations, feelings, and actions. Family disintegration affects all members of the family, especially the children, as well as society, and this is what we will discuss in this article.

Reasons for family disintegration:

There must be real reasons that lead to the spread of the phenomenon of family disintegration.

The most important causes of family disintegration:

Absent father:

There are two images of the present and absent father. The first is the image of the father who is busy with work and does not find time to spend with his family and does not find time to provide aid or assistance to his wife. The second image is the image of the neglectful father who believes that his role ends when the family’s financial needs are met and he spends his time with his friends and family. In both cases, the absence of the father from his family in this way causes many problems.

Disintegration of the family

Present-absent mother:

A woman who is preoccupied with her work and her family may not give her husband attention to his own affairs and needs. Likewise, a woman who is preoccupied with many meetings with her friends forgets her role as a mother and wife, and the care and love that her husband and children need from her.

Role conflict:

Role conflict is one of the most important causes of family disintegration, as it is represented by the competition of husband and wife to replace one another

Modern communication channels :    

Of course, the addiction to using social media or the addiction to video games has come to greatly control our family relationship. Despite the importance of the Internet and modern technologies in our world, the misuse of these technologies would be a valid reason for family disintegration.


The maid has come to replace the wife in all matters of the house, such as cleaning and washing, and even cooking and sometimes taking care of the children. We find that the husband returns from work, and the maid receives him and offers him food. The maid replaces the mother in caring for the children and offering them tenderness and love, which causes the phenomenon of disintegration. The captive.

The driver also sometimes takes the place of the husband, providing the service of transporting the mother and children to any place, and he accompanies them instead of the father.

The economic situation of the family:

The economic situation of the family, whether in a state of wealth or poverty, causes a state of family disintegration. We find the rich preoccupied with money for their families, and in a state of poverty we find the father unable to provide for his family’s needs, and he may resort to illegal methods to secure their needs, which causes the disintegration of prisoners.

Types of family disintegration:

Direct family disintegration:

It relates to families that have been subjected to tangible disintegration, either through divorce or the death of one of the parents.

Indirect family disintegration:

Families who live under one roof suffer from the absence of communication bridges between them, and this type is also called moral disintegration.

The effects of family disintegration on society:  

Family disintegration affects many of the good values ​​present in society, as well as the concepts of affection, compassion, cooperation, forgiveness, and helping others.

Likewise, family disintegration generates extreme frustration in the individual, which causes him to blame society for not helping him stop the circumstances that led to the disintegration of his family. We find the individual rebelling against the existing values ​​in society of love, affection, respect, cooperation, and assistance to others.

Family disintegration and its impact on children:

Children often fall victim to family disintegration and poor relations between husband and wife

The negative effects of family disintegration on children :

Family disintegration causes children to weaken their sense of security and stability within the family.

One of the children may resort to achieving the desired goals through illegal means due to family disintegration, as his principles and concepts change, so that what is forbidden becomes lawful.

Family disintegration causes children to live in a constant state of turmoil and anxiety, as the continuous absence of a father or mother deprives children of security and causes insecurity.

There is a close relationship between child homelessness and family disintegration, as one study indicated that most of the children whose fate was on the street were originally suffering from family disintegration.

Family disintegration may cause a state of hostility among children.

Solutions for family disintegration:

Family disintegration is one of the diseases of society, and there must be a cure for this phenomenon.

Solving the problem of family disintegration:

1- The mother and father must constantly strive to strengthen their relationship and solve their problems in a gentle manner, far from violence and screaming.

2- The emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical presence of the parents among the children, and allocating special time to know the children’s problems, interests and needs.


3- Parents must be good role models for their children in all fields.

4- Monitoring children, holding them accountable when they make mistakes, and providing them with the necessary advice.

5 - Strengthening the religious and moral conscience in the souls of children and raising them in a sound and righteous manner.

6- Paying attention to the emotional and psychological aspects of children.

7- The state has  a major role in raising awareness of the importance of family cohesion and proper education through free courses, advertisements, and television programs.

8 - The media also has an important role in educating the family and society through educational and social programs.

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