Revealing the cause of the golden tongues of some mummies - Janatna

Revealing the cause of the golden tongues of some mummies

 الكشف عن سبب الألسنة الذهبية لبعض المومياوات

The golden tongues you mention are a fascinating and symbolic aspect of some Egyptian mummies. The practice appears to have been rooted in the ancient Egyptians' beliefs about the afterlife and the importance of speech in navigating it. Here's what we know about the


Main Cause: Aiding the deceased in the afterlife

  • Most scholars believe the golden tongues were meant to ensure the deceased could speak in the afterlife, particularly to Osiris, the god of the underworld and judge of the dead.
  • The Egyptians believed in a complex afterlife where the deceased had to undergo trials and answer questions to be deemed worthy of entering the eternal paradise. Speech was considered crucial for defending oneself and presenting one's case before Osiris.

Evidence Supporting the Belief:

  • Archaeological discoveries: Mummies with gold foil tongues have been found in various sites across Egypt, dating back to different periods.
  • The Book of the Dead: This ancient Egyptian funerary text mentions placing gold on the tongue to ensure the ability to breathe, eat, and speak in the afterlife.

Possible Additional Meanings:

  • Symbolism of wealth and status: Gold itself was precious and associated with the divine. Having a golden tongue could signify the deceased's importance and worthiness for a good afterlife.
  • Magical protection: Gold was also believed to possess magical properties that could protect the deceased from harm in the afterlife.

Intriguing Mysteries Remain:

  • The practice wasn't widespread and seems to have been applied to individuals of varying social statuses. The reasons behind this selectivity are still being explored.
  • The exact mechanics of how the golden tongues were supposed to function in the afterlife remain within the realm of religious belief.

Overall, the golden tongues of mummies reveal a fascinating insight into the ancient Egyptians' beliefs about death, the afterlife, and the power of speech. While the practice holds a primarily symbolic and religious significance, it continues to spark the imagination and curiosity of archaeologists and historians alike.

Would you like to explore any specific aspects of the golden tongues in more detail, or perhaps learn about other intriguing practices and beliefs surrounding ancient Egyptian mummies?

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